A simple functional language implemented in C#
no keywords, only built-in functions and Slingshot functions.
'def' 'if else' 'while' 'try catch'
are built-in funcions,'map' 'reduce'
are Slingshot functions -
every thing is an expression // except for comment
value is immutable:
(def a "behold an immutable string of Slingshot")
but can be set:(set! a 15e8)
the value of {...} is the value of the last expression within {} :
(def a {
(def b 2) (def c 3) ( def d 4)
}) // a is SSInteger 4
this is a list:
[1 '2' 345.6789 False ["nested list" 5e8] ]
functions can be defined anywhere:
{ ( def f-2() ) } ))```
========== Code snippet from the Slingshot Standard Library
(def map
(func (f alist)
(if (null? alist)
(cons (f (car alist)) (map f (cdr alist)) )
(def reduce
(func (init op ls)
(if (null? ls)
(op (car ls) (reduce init op (cdr ls)) )
Algorithem Library example
(def qsort
(func(ls compare)
(if (or (null? ls) (== (length ls) 1) )
{ (def _pivot (car ls) )
(def _left (filter (func(a)(compare a _pivot)) ls ) )
(def _right (filter (func(a)(compare _pivot a)) ls ) )
(append (append (qsort _left compare) _pivot)
(qsort _right compare) )
// return integer -1 if search failed
// the require function will check dependencies
(require elem-at)
(def bin-search
(func(ls val)
(if(null? ls)
{(def _f(func(_min_idx _max_idx)
(if (< (- _max_idx _min_idx) 2)
{(def _m (to-int (/ (+ _max_idx _min_idx) 2)))
(if (< (elem-at ls _m) val)
(_f _m _max_idx)
elif (< val (elem-at ls _m))
(_f _min_idx _m)
)})// if
)// functions
)// def
(_f 0 (length ls))
Mathematics and Statistics Library example
// test prime numbers recursively
(require while set! even? integer?)
(def r-prime?
(if (or (not (integer? a))
(< a 2)
(even? a)
) False
{(def _f (func(b)
(if (< a (* b b))
elif (== 0 (% a b))
(_f (+ b 2))
(_f 3)
// test prime numbers iteratively
(def prime?
(if (or (not (integer? a))
(< a 2)
(even? a)
) False
{ (def d 3)
(def ret True)
{ (while (< (* d d) a)
(if (eq? 0 (% a d))
{ (set! ret False)
(set! d (+ d 2))
(def std-deviation
(if(null? ls)
{ (def _avg (avg ls))
(def _len (length ls))
(def _prod (sum (map (func(a)(** a 2)) ls) ) )
(- (/ _prod _len)
(** _avg 2) )
in memory of an old friend in my childhood