
Visualizer of Spotify artist's top tracks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Visualizer of Spotify artist's top tracks

Very simple React App using react-bootstrap for basic frontend and Spotify API (JS Fetch).

The app allows you to search for an artist and view their top tracks.

In the project directory /visualizer, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.


Visualizer of CI Jobs - 2023 Home Assignment

  • Create a public repository on a code hosting service of your preference.
  • Create an application which will fetch data from Spotify REST API and display it to a user in a simple table format.
  • The data you need to fetch are top tracks of any artist (your choice).
  • Display any information you find interesting with a minimum of track's name, id, album, popularity and genres.

Things to consider:

  • The repository has to be public.
  • Frequent commits with meaningful messages are a big plus. It allows to trace your thinking process better.
  • Consider refactoring your code at the end. It is okay to use plenty of comments, debug outputs and so on. But get rid of them before submitting.
  • The existing application uses Python and React, therefore we prefer for your solution to use these technologies as well. This is not a requirement, but it's highly suggested.
  • Appearance of data visualization should fall somewhere between EXAMPLE1 & EXAMPLE2 (read on to unlock it). Outputting plain text in a way the EXAMPLE1 does is the bare minimum for the assignment.
  • Project is open for personalization, have fun with it!