
grade an English essay

Primary LanguageAssembly

You can contact me by mail: karthikprasad@engineer.com.
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An Automated Essay Grader,which scores student essays based on the following features:
	* Spellings
	* Structure and Grammar
	* Language flow - Coherence
	* Statistics of the Essay.

AEG is an engine which automatically grades an English essay based on: Essay Statistics, Spelling, Grammar, Coherence, Frequent Phrases and Vocabulary. The techniques employed to achieve this encompass, not only a vast area of computer science, but also some ‘abstract aspects’ of the English language and grammar; the subtle points such as the deviation from the central topic, structure of the sentences, etc., that help determine the qualities of a good essay. We have developed our own concept of Conceptual Word Graph and designed an algorithm to analyse the Essay Coherence without a corpus.

The whole system is modelled using Modular approach.

	* Input:
		1. The input should be in the text file format
		2. The input file should contain:
			a. The topic of the essay.
			b. The essay itself.
		3. The topic should be the first paragraph of the file.
		4. The topic and the essay should be separated by a blank line.

	* Assumptions:
		1. The essays will be in “simple” format - without any bullets and numbering.
		2. The paragraphs in the essay, if it contains multiple paragraphs, will be separated by a blank line.
		3. The essay will be on the lines of GRE/GMAT essays.

	* Output
		1. A report with scores for individual parameters based on which the essay was graded.
		2. An overall score computed by taking the weighted mean of individual scores.
		3. A statistical report on the number of lines, words, paragraphs, average length of sentences, difference in length between the longest and the shortest sentence, etc.
		* Report is an html file.


	1) Install Link Parser, python interpreter and the required python libraries. (see next section)
	2) change the current working directory to AEG.
	3) run the script aeg.py --> $ python aeg.py

	* the generated report will be an html file with the same name as that of the input file in Reports directory.


	* Platform:
		Linux Kernel 3.0 and above.

	* Link Parser - http://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/link/

	* Python and Libraries
		1) Python 2.7 - http://www.python.org/getit/releases/2.7/
		2) Python bindings for Link Grammar Parser - Pylinkgrammar 0.1.20 - http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pylinkgrammar/0.1.20#downloads
		3) A Spell-Checking Library for Python - Pyenchant - http://packages.python.org/pyenchant/api/enchant.html
		4a) Natural Language Toolkit - http://nltk.googlecode.com/files/nltk-2.0.1rc1.tar.gz
		4b) nltk.corpus -> wordnet and stopwords
		5) PyYAML - http://pyyaml.org/download/pyyaml/PyYAML-3.09.tar.gz
		6) NetworkX - http://networkx.lanl.gov/download/networkx/
		7) GNUPlot - http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net/

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