Files- - this is source code vrptw_test.txt, vrptw_test_4_nodes.txt - This is Input file - first line contains distance matrix - second line contains early/latest service time - third line contains pickup/delivery times - fourth line will be single number = number of vehicles - fifth line will be max number of iterations for tabu search will be used in stoping criteria for tabu - Sixth line tell the mangnitude of improvement of cost for aspiration criteria Terms : - soln(solution or routes) : is as list of routes - route : is a list of customers - src : source customer - dest : destination customer Source file Functions and global variables : tabu_list : tabu list used in tabu search algo get_heuristic : function to return cost from heuristic used during greedy generate__initial_solution : function implementing greedy heuristic Dijkstra like algorithm to find initial solution to be used in tabu search is_servisable : Utility function to find if customer can be serviced with current route or not i.e. no delay get_delay : utility function to find delay which will happen by current route get_exchange_neighbour : function to get neighbours of solution using exchange operator get_relocate_neighbour : function to get neighbours of solution using relocate operator get_neighbours : function wrapping above 2 functions get_solution_cost : function to calculate cost for any solution tabu_search : function for tabu search get_distance : function to get input distance b/t src and dest get_pickup_time : function to get input pickup time at customer get_delivery_time : function to get input delivery time at customer get_earliest_service_time : function to get input earliest service time at customer get_latest_service_time : function to get input latest service time at customer get_service_start_time : function to get input delivery time at customer is_empty_route : function to check if route is empty i.e. having only start depot and end depot contains : function to check existence with filtering read_input_file : function to read input from file parse_line_to_list : helper for input reading set_input : function for setting input from file is_move_allowed : function to chk the current move against tabu_list iteration_update_tabu_list : functions used to update tabu_list per iteration Class : TabuListClass : class representing one entry in tabu list -function checked use to decrement tabu move iteration count per iteration i.e. for how many more iterations move will be considered tabu -function find is used to find if current move is tabu of not