jc 2.2.0 jcpp 2.2.0
module load tbb/2020.3-GCCcore-10.2.0
module load CMake
git clone git@github.com:xl0418/PJCmodel.git jc2
cd jc2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install
apt install libtbb-dev # or some other packet manager if not on Ubuntu/Debian
git clone git@github.com:xl0418/PJCmodel.git jc2
cd jc2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target install
You should find jc
and jcpp
in /home/pxxxxx/jc2/bin/
./jc --help
Usage: jc [OPTIONS]... PARAMETER...
--help prints this text and exits
--version prints version information and exits
-v, --verbose verbose output to console
--check check parameter set, no execution
--torus use periodic boundary
--profile create profile file(s)
threads number of threads
Model parameter:
L grid size
L0 optional initial area size, clamped to L
Linc optional L increment, defaults to 1
Lg area increment L <- L + Linc every Lg years
ticks time steps [y]
mu 1/average life time [1/y], G = mu * L * L
nu speciation rate, Nu = nu * G
s_nu optional sigma speciation radius, defaults to L/4
Psi strength of PJC effect
Phi size of phylogenetic effect
s_jc width of PJC effect wrt spatial distance, use '-1' for 'infinite'
jc_cutoff max. distance spatial PJC kernel.
s_disp width of dispersal kernel, use '-1' for 'infinite'
disp_cutoff max. distance dispersal kernel.
Output Parameter:
log optional log interval [events] for D and R, defaults to last state
continue result file of former simulation to be continued
file data file path
batch parameter file path, a file that contains multiple parameter sets