[ACL 2023] One Embedder, Any Task: Instruction-Finetuned Text Embeddings
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How to combine instructor-embedding x bge-m3
#126 opened by geekodour - 4
Why I cannot save model?
#97 opened by txye - 4
TypeError: _load_sbert_model() received unexpected keyword argument 'token' when initializing INSTRUCTOR model in Colab Notebook
#125 opened by devin-liu - 7
Model not loading
#106 opened by laylabitar - 3
Redundant code & Tokenize issue
#118 opened by JonathanZha47 - 1
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Improving inference time
#109 opened by alokpadhi - 1
prompt parameters cannot be used?
#123 opened by Huangouzm - 2
set sentence_transformer =2.6.0
#120 opened by Soberaice - 0
correct quantization in readme
#124 opened by BBC-Esq - 1
No matching distribution found for instructor
#104 opened by xfzhang990 - 1
NameError: name 'disabled_tqdm' is not defined
#121 opened by marybloodyzz - 4
How the training data is divided?
#87 opened by wsa-dhu - 3
KeyError `task_name`
#101 opened by zanussbaum - 0
Some weights of the model checkpoint at /home/rnd/wmj/instructor-large/instructor-embedding/output/checkpoint-6500/ were not used when initializing T5EncoderModel: ['2.linear.weight'] - This IS expected if you are initializing T5EncoderModel from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model). - This IS NOT expected if you are initializing T5EncoderModel from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model). max_seq_length 512
#117 opened by EricPaul03 - 0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/instructor-embedding/evaluation/prompt_retrieval/main_civil.py", line 15, in <module> from InstructorEmbedding import INSTRUCTOR ImportError: cannot import name 'INSTRUCTOR' from 'InstructorEmbedding' (/home/instructor-embedding/InstructorEmbedding/__init__.py)
#116 opened by EricPaul03 - 7
fine-tune HKUNLP/instructor-embedding
#74 opened by Atlantic8 - 2
Phrase embeddings in context
#108 opened by jnferfer - 0
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Are document instructions not used for evaluation?
#111 opened by orionw - 1
Chinese support?
#110 opened by Yaqing2023 - 7
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Discrepancy in training data versions
#107 opened by vaibhavad - 5
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LICENSE is missing copyright owner name(s) and year
#102 opened by MB-Finski - 1
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Save and load dynamically quantized model
#99 opened by roman-dobrov - 2
Is it ok to train directly using the T5 model as a base? Are the results guaranteed?
#68 opened by ScottishFold007 - 3
Fine-tuning for sentence comparison
#69 opened by Mukish45 - 2
Pip install does not include dependencies
#70 opened by dstengle - 5
what is the max input size?
#72 opened by vyau - 2
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Example of classification inference (Zero Shot?)
#79 opened by jmdetect - 1
Inference using TensorRT
#81 opened by mon28 - 5
evaluate with retrained model, but bug: Some weights of the model checkpoint at /checkpoint-22000 were not used when initializing T5EncoderModel:
#82 opened by qiuwenbogdut - 2
cannot reproduce the results of INSTRUCTOR.
#84 opened by qiuwenbogdut - 1
Runtime Optimization
#86 opened by aditya-y47 - 2
Instruction for keywords retrievial
#90 opened by Bobolx00 - 2
How would you use instructor o find duplicate items in similar texts, e.g short bug descriptions?
#95 opened by shgidi - 5
Inconsistency between the instruction template suggested vs that in the training data
#96 opened by debraj135 - 3
Comparative Performance Analysis: Single Dataset Fine-Tuning Versus Multi-Dataset Instruction-Based Fine-Tuning on Task A
#98 opened by sunzhaoyang1 - 1
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pythons > 3.7?
#100 opened by mgrosso - 5
Issue with Evaluation ArguAna
#89 opened by yeliusf - 2
Production Level Updates
#93 opened by Nicholas-Schaub - 1
Cosine Similarity of Anchor and Negative is not taken into consideration in Loss calculation
#94 opened by ashokrajab - 1
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