cc65 library for accessing the DOS and network functions of the Ultimate II+ cartridge and Ultimate 64 motherboard
- aiSzzPLIkaria Sp. z o.o.
- CenbeMilwaukee, WI USA
- CINJSydney, Australia
- desaster
- esemwy
- fastjackLüdenscheid, Germany
- gschizas@eurobank-gr
- jakpamKraków, Poland
- KarolS
- kcasteelsHerzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
- kfoxUnity Technologies
- lanedenson@UMComDev
- LeifBloomquistSchema Factor
- localhost
- mariolackoSlovakia
- MarkO-555MDO Consulting, LLC
- MaxPlapPadova
- michael-denzlerMünchen
- mlundLund University
- mranestEurobank
- oliverschmidt
- opsTampere, Finland
- piso77
- puzzudBoston, USA
- pvalkone@reaktor
- ratskatesVacant Planets Consulting
- retroricParis
- sblendorioMilan, Italy
- ssuukkWarsaw
- SubZer01
- sven700cTokyo, Japan
- taij33n
- UffeJakobsen
- XadNightfall@Nightfallcrew
- xlar54Tennessee, USA
- xrisdocJohnstone, Scotland