
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Communication Scheduling Experiments in TensorFlow


$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • TensorFlow with Communication Ordering Support: github.com/xldrx/orderedtf
  • A running TF cluster with 1-PS and some workers. (More info here)
  • Python3

How to Run Experiments

  1. Start the TF Cluster. Note the master URL (e.g. grpc:// and number of workers (e.g. 4).
  2. Extract the ordering:
$ python3 0_extract_orders.py masterUri number_of_workers
  1. Put the rpc_orders.h in "tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/" and compile the OrderedTF. Restart the TF Cluster.

  2. Run the experiences:

$ python3 1_run_experiments.py masterUri number_of_workers