The goal of this repository is to show you techniques for packing/unpacking .NET assemblies (programs) by abusing .NET's JIT mechanism.


  1. Clone this project
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/LJP-TW/JITHook.git
  2. Install lief-project/LIEF.
    • Download LIEF-0.12.1-win64.zip
    • Decompress it to JITHook/Lib. The following is the expected directory structure:
      |- JITDemo
      |- JITPacker
      |- JITUnpacker
      |- ...
      |- Lib
         |- dnlib
         |- LIEF-0.12.1-win64
            |- include
            |- lib
      • (You can remove folders bin and share in the LIEF folder)
      • (See LIEF Documentation for troubleshooting)
  3. Open JIT_Hook.sln with Visual Studio Community 2022, configure project with release x64, press ctrl+shift+b to build the whole solution.
  4. Check JITHook/Release to see result




It's just a demo of patching method IL.

You can try to reverse-engineer it :)


JITPacker.exe [OPTION] <program path>

JITPacker.exe will pack the program.


  • -o <PATH>: Set output file path. Default path is testprog_packed.exe.

Default program path is testprog.exe.


JITUnpacker.exe [OPTION] <packed program path>

WARNING: Please run JITUnpacker.exe in an isolated environment as it will execute the packed program.

JITUnpacker.exe will try to unpack the packed program.


  • -v <LEVEL>: Set verbose level, LEVEL can be 0 ~ 3. Default value is 2. Set LEVEL to a higher value to see more information.
  • -o <PATH>: Set output file path. Default path is output.exe_.

Default packed program path is JIThook.exe.


A test program with different functions:

  • Tiny format function
  • Tiny format function that throw exception
  • Fat format function with large size of IL code
  • Fat format function with local variables
  • Fat format function with exception handler