
This is the participation repo for STAT 545. In this course, R and GitHub were introduced. The typical workflow in GitHut, markdown and R Markdown were introduced and practiced in producing this participation repo. Tidyverse and ggplot was used in data analysis and figure production.

It contains 14 in-class exercises:

cm001 Introduction to STAT 545 and GitHut

cm002 Introduction to R

cm003 Markdown and R Markdown exploration: html, slides;

cm004 The version control workflow

cm005 Exploring Geometric Objects

cm006 dplyr Exercise

cm007 Exercises: Practice with dplyr

cm008 Exercises: Fix the Plots

cm009 Exercises: tidy data

cm010 Exercises: Tibble Joins

cm011 Data input/output

cm012 Exercises: Factors

cm013 Effective Visualizations

cm014 The Model-Fitting Paradigm in R