
Export Bugsnag project, error, and event data easily from a command line call which automatically handles pagination, and API backoffs

Primary LanguageGo


Go Workflow Latest Stable Version

Tool for extracting data from Bugsnag's Data Access API and turning it into a JSON or CSV file.

⚠️ Work In Progress.


Download and install

First, download a copy of the binary from the latest release. There are different versions of this binary depending on your platform. All binaries are built for 64-bit:

Platform Binary variant
macOS Intel bugsnag-exporter-<VERSION>-darwin-amd64
macOS Apple Silicon bugsnag-exporter-<VERSION>-darwin-arm64
Linux bugsnag-exporter-<VERSION>-linux-amd64
Windows bugsnag-exporter-<VERSION>-windows-amd64.exe

For Linux and macOS, you will need to set this binary to be executable with


Generate Bugsnag API token

From your Bugsnag dashboard, generate a new Personal Authentication Token. Note, this is not the same as your project API key.

Save this token, you will need this to authenticate any and all calls to the Data Access API with the --token TOKEN parameter.

Help file

To see the bugsnag-exporter manual pages, run $ ./bugsnag-exporter --help

Usage of /var/folders/j3/gpggwqd53wj_z5mhtn9yf2t40000gn/T/go-build962128733/b001/exe/main:
        [Flag] Output data to file as CSV. Default false, noramally outputs as JSON
  -error-id string
        [String] An error ID to download. If provided, downloads all events within filters for this error ID
        [Flag] Download events rather than error groups when this flag is enabled. Requires --project-id (and optionally --error-id)
  -filters string
        [String] A string array of filters to apply (URL format)
        [Flag] Download minimal event reports only for smaller file sizes
        [Flag] Don't warn me if this call will take more than 5 calls to the API
  -output-dir string
        [String] Directory to store the downloaded file (default "./data")
  -project-id string
        [String] The Project ID you wish to download from
        [Flag] Use this flag to get a list of project IDs accessible with your token. Overrides any other flags
  -token string
        [REQUIRED][String] Your Bugsnag personal auth token
        [Flag] Set the output to be verbose for debugging purposes.

Getting data from the API

Get a list of projects accessible for your API token

$ ./bugsnag-exporter --token TOKEN 


By default, data will be saved in a JSON format. This is most appropriate for the type of data downloaded from Bugsnag as it has multi-level keys. However, if you wish to save data as a comma seperated values file (*.csv), you can add the --csv flag to do so.

CSV files will have a single row per array elements, and single columns per top-level key. Sub-keys for an element will be stored in plain-text within the cell, for example, the following is a JSON <-> CSV equivalent:

    "keyA": {
      "keyA1": "el1valueA1",
      "keyA2": "el1valueA2"
    "keyB": {
      "keyB1": "el1valueB1",
      "keyB2": "el1valueB2"
    "keyA": {
      "keyA1": "el2valueA1",
      "keyA2": "el2valueA2"
    "keyB": {
      "keyB1": "el2valueB1",
      "keyB2": "el2valueB2"

or visualized as a table:

KeyA KeyB
{"keyA1":"el1valueA1","keyA2":"el1valueA2"} {"keyA1":"el2valueA1","keyA2":"el2valueA2"}


Extra options

  • --no-warn: don't show a warning if more than 5 API calls are going to be made for this command.

Building from source

Build for all main platforms and architectures

Run the make.sh script. This will generate builds in a ./build directory for:

    darwin/amd64   # macOS Intel 64-bit
    darwin/arm64   # macOS Apple Silicon 64-bit
    linux/amd64    # Linux 64-bit
    windows/amd64  # Windows 64-bit
$ ./make.sh

Building for a specific platform and architecture

Replace YOUR_OS and YOUR_ARCH in the following command and run to build an executable binary for a custom setup:


To see which OS & architectures your Go installation can build for you can run:

$ go tool dist list