
StackMob's SDK for accessing the StackMob Push Service on iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Getting started

Add the StackMobPush SDK to your app

Using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency management tool for iOS apps. Using it you can easily express the external libraries (like StackMob) your app relies on and install them.

Create a new iOS project in Xcode. Here we've created an app named "MobFind".

	$ cd MobFind
	$ ls -F
	MobFind/  MobFind.xcodeproj/  MobFindTests/

We need to create a Podfile to contain our project's configuration for CocoaPods. From within your project folder:

	$ touch Podfile
	$ open Podfile 

Your Podfile defines your app's dependencies on other libraries. Add StackMob to it.

	platform :ios
	pod 'StackMobPush'

Now you can use CocoaPods to install your dependencies.

	$ pod install

Your now have a workspace containing your app's project and a project build by CocoaPods which will build a static library containing all of the dependencies listed in your Podfile.

	$ ls -F 
	MobFind/  MobFind.xcodeproj/  MobFind.xcworkspace/  MobFindTests/  Podfile  		Podfile.lock  Pods/

Open the new workspace and we can start developing using the StackMob library

	$ open MobFind.xcworkspace

Configure the StackMob SDK to use your StackMob account



Kiwi specs run just like OCUnit tests. In Xcode ⌘U will run all the tests for the current scheme.

	describe(@"a public method or feature", ^{
			//set up
			[[someClass stubAndReturn:aResult] aMethod];
		context(@"when some precondition exists", ^{
				//set the precondition
			it(@"should have a specific behavior", ^{
				//verify the behavior
				[[aThing shouldNot] equal:someOtherThing];
		    pending(@"should eventually have another behavior", ^{
		    	//pending specs will not execute and generate warnings
		    	[[[anObject should] receive] aMethodWith:anArgument];
		    	[anObject doStuff];
		    context(@"and another condition exists", ^{

Integration Tests

Unit tests do not make network requests against StackMob. The project includes a seperate target of integration tests to verify communication with the StackMob API.

  1. cp integration-tests/StackMobCredentials.plist.example integration-tests/StackMobCredentials.plist
  2. open integration-tests/StackMobCredentials.plist
  3. Set the public and private keys for the StackMob account you want the tests to use.
  4. Run the "integration-tests" scheme.

Using the SDK in a test app during development

  1. Install the SDK in your app using CocoaPods
  2. Replace /Pods/StackMobPush with a symlink to your development copy of the SDK
  3. Your app's Pods project will use the current source of your development copy of the SDK on every build.

Submitting pull requests

  1. Fork the repository on github and clone your fork.
  2. Create a topic branch: git checkout -b make_sdk_better.
  3. Write some tests for your change.
  4. Make the tests pass.
  5. Commit your changes.
  6. (Go to #2.)
  7. Make sure your topic branch is up to date with any changes other developers have added to master while you were working: git checkout master && git pull && git checkout - && git merge master (git rebase master for local branches if you prefer).
  8. Push your topic branch to your fork: git push origin make_sdk_better.
  9. Create a pull request on github asking StackMob to merge your topic branch into StackMob's master branch.