- 1
Don't make members private
#49 opened by xpusostomos - 0
links to javadocs online are broken on the page
#52 opened by ppazos - 1
Javadoc no longer available
#51 opened by karlkras - 0
Terrible design
#50 opened by xpusostomos - 0
- 3
- 1
Add configuration arguments for trimming content
#43 opened by GhaTMA - 5
- 1
- 2
Use more up to date OpenCSV?
#39 opened by monetschemist - 4
Problem when header row has an extra separator
#36 opened by pbootsma - 2
- 1
- 4
exception when the csv contains an empty line
#29 opened by mrdfuse - 4
Errors while handling \ and "
#26 opened by fcamblor - 2
Default "quoteChar" value
#35 opened by Klinton90 - 2
Publish a new release to Maven
#31 opened by smartdreamer - 1
toMap() Missing
#32 opened by astanciu - 1
Unable to do the build
#33 opened by nmrao - 1
Convert to List of maps, or iterator of maps.
#25 opened by Zergleb - 0
- 0
Error handling for incorrect usage of arguments
#20 opened by xlson - 1
Enable users to choose '\0' as escapeChar
#24 opened by ssar - 1
Running groovycsv on heroku
#27 opened by seppkurt - 1
Handling CSV headers with spaces or special chars
#23 opened by syepes - 10
first column of csv file cannot be used
#21 opened by seppkurt - 2
- 1
- 1
Reading csv values by index
#12 opened by xlson - 1
Configurable Column names
#18 opened by xlson - 1
Add support for setting header-names manually
#9 opened by xlson - 1
Replace usage of GPG with Huxi's pgp plugin
#14 opened by xlson - 2
Upload javadoc for 0.2 to github pages
#15 opened by xlson - 2
Release 0.2 of GroovyCSV
#11 opened by xlson - 1
hasNext throws IllegalArgumentException
#13 opened by xlson - 4
Find a better name for the project
#7 opened by xlson - 3
- 1
Add call to csvReader.close()
#10 opened by xlson - 1
Configuring of primitive types for columns
#4 opened by xlson - 1
Allow CsvParser to parse readers and streams?
#8 opened by xlson - 1
Support OpenCSV's configurability
#2 opened by xlson - 1
- 1
Add toString() to PropertyMapper
#6 opened by xlson - 1
Add LICENSE file to root of project
#1 opened by xlson