
Add torrents from RSS feeds to transmission client

Primary LanguagePython


feedtransmission is a python script to read RSS/Atom feeds of torrents and add them to Transmission to download

This fork adapted this script to use for nexusphp based tracker sites (or any site whose rss feed store the torrent download link in <enclosure> tags instead of <link>).

This script have the option to set (or override) the download directory, to periodically request feeds and reannounce recent torrents. See below for further details.

And added config file support.


You will need two Python modules:

  • transmissionrpc
  • feedparser

In Linux you can install these by

pip install transmissionrpc
pip install feedparser

You will need to run Transmission and enable remote access.


feedtransmission.py [-h] [-c <config file>] [-L <url> [<url> ...]]
                    [-H <host>] [-P <port>] [-u <user>] [-p <password>]
                    [-d <dir>] [-l <logfile>] [-r <minutes>]
                    [-n <minutes>] [-a] [-R]

List of parameters available:

  -c <config file>, --config-file <config file>
                        Specify config file. The command line parameters will
                        overwrite the settings in the config file.
  -L <url> [<url> ...], --feed-urls <url> [<url> ...]
                        Feed Url(s)
  -H <host>, --transmission-host <host>
                        Host for Transmission RPC (default: localhost)
  -P <port>, --transmission-port <port>
                        Port for Transmission RPC (default: 9091)
  -u <user>, --transmission-user <user>
                        Port for Transmission RPC (default: None)
  -p <password>, --transmission-password <password>
                        Port for Transmission RPC (default: None)
  -d <dir>, --download-dir <dir>
                        The directory where the downloaded contents will be
                        saved in. Optional.
  -l <logfile>, --log-file <logfile>
                        The logging file, if not specified or set to '-',
                        prints to output.
  -r <minutes>, --reannounce-span <minutes>
                        Force reannounce torrents added within given minutes.
                        This may help getting a connection to other peers
                        faster. 0 means disable (default: 0)
  -n <minutes>, --request-interval <minutes>
                        Time interval (minutes) between each request for all
                        the rss feeds. (default: 5)
  -a, --add-paused      Disables starting torrents after adding them
  -R, --clear-added-items
                        Clears the list of added torrents. You can also do
                        that by deleting the addeditems.txt

You can use a config file (there is an example file in the repo). The available settings in the config file is the same from the list above, but with -(dash) changed to _(underscore).

The script makes a file called addeditems.txt in the folder of the executable. This file stores the torrent links already added to Transmission.


  • add daemon mode (actually just fork to background)
  • make compatible for both <link> and <enclosure> links (nexusphp and some other bittorrent(tracker) sites use <enclosure> xml tag (which is better) to store torrent download link, so it's better to check both.
  • exit peacefully with ctrl-c
  • make suitable for cron jobs (make parameters default to run only once)