
Arduino based UPS that emulates a Megatech - For use with NUT "Network UPS Tools" running on Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageC++


Utilizing mostly Adafruit products, this UPS is based on a PowerBoost 1000c controled by an Arduino that emulates the very common Megatec Q protocol over a USB serial connection - For use with NUT "Network UPS Tools" running on Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, etc.

This UPS can supply a peak power of slightly more than 1000ma, which is adequate for a headless or external monitor Raspberry Pi 3. It will drive a RP3 with the Foundations 7" touchscreen if processor utilization is low. Power limitations are most evident when running on a low battery. With a low battery, an over-current surge can cause the power converter chip to abruptly shutdown.

These are VERY basic NUT install instructions, please review https://melgrubb.com/2016/12/11/rphs-v2-ups/ for awesome comprehensive instructions from Mel Grubb.

Install NUT:

sudo apt-get install nut

Add user "nut" to "dialout" group to enable access to USB serial port:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout nut

Edit ups.conf:

sudo nano /etc/nut/ups.conf

Add this:

    		driver = blazer_ser
    		port = /dev/ttyUSB0
    		desc = “Raspberry Pi UPS"
		default.battery.voltage.high = 4.10
		default.battery.voltage.low = 3.45
		default.battery.voltage.nominal = 3.70
		runtimecal = 1500,100,3000,50
		#offdelay values in seconds
		offdelay = 60
		#ondelay values in minutes
		ondelay = 1

Edit nut.conf:

sudo nano /etc/nut/nut.conf

Add this:


Start NUT:

sudo upsdrvctl start

Edit upsd.users:

sudo nano /etc/nut/upsd.users

Add this (with passwords of your choosing):

    		password  = raspberry
    		upsmon master
    		password = raspberry
    		actions = SET
   			instcmds = ALL

Edit upsmon.conf:

sudo nano /etc/nut/upsmon.conf

Add to MONITOR section (with your password, not raspberry):

	MONITOR RPUPS@localhost 1 upsmon raspberry master

Customize NOTIFYFLAG section (un-comment the messages you want to see):



Querry UPS Status to verify communications:

upsc RPUPS

NUT webpage: http://networkupstools.org

NUT Blazer Serial Driver: http://networkupstools.org/docs/man/blazer_ser.html

Megatec protocol: http://networkupstools.org/protocols/megatec.html

Very nice writeup that I used to install NUT: https://melgrubb.com/2016/12/11/rphs-v2-ups/