
CSVFilter is a project that allows for filtering and processing of CSV files. It can read CSV files and filter data rows or columns based on specified conditions. The results can be exported to a new CSV file for further analysis.

Primary LanguagePython


Release publish-to-release

⚠️ CSVFilter works with Python 3.7+. To check your Python version, run python --version.

If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed, you may need to use python3 instead of python. This is becoming less common as Python 2 is sunsetting.


  1. Creating virtual environments
  2. Create a requirements.txt File


The requirements.txt is a simple text file which lists the dependencies, or necessary packages that are required to run the code. Install the required packages from requirements.txt

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements.txt

The advantage of using pip-sync over pip install -r requirements.txt is that pip-sync will not only install the packages listed in the requirements file, but it will also remove any installed packages that are not listed in the file. This ensures your environment exactly matches the requirements, which can help prevent issues caused by unexpected dependencies.

This approach is particularly useful in development environments and CI/CD pipelines where you want to ensure consistency across different environments.


The program can then be executed from a command line using the main.py executable:

→ D:\<your-local-directory>\CSVFilter [main]› python main.py


Make sure you have the Requirements installed, and then:

pip install -U pyinstaller

Open a command prompt/shell window, and navigate to the directory where main.py file is located, then build app with the following command:

pyinstaller main.py

Your bundled application should now be available in the dist folder.

pyinstaller --onefile --add-data "resources;resources" --add-data "config.ini;." --icon="resources/csv_filter.ico" --windowed --clean --name CSVFilter main.py

The project folder follows this structure:

├── CSVFilter/
    ├── csv_toolbox
    │   ├── data
    │   ├── lib_base
    │   ├── lib_csv_filter
    │   ├── lib_csv_to_excel
    │   ├── lib_data_preprocess
    │   ├── lib_excel_beautifier
    │   ├── lib_excel_merge
    │   ├── lib_i18n
    │   ├── lib_log
    │   └── lib_utils
    ├── docs
    ├── prebuild_scripts
    ├── resources
    └── tests