
Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION

#CryptoSwift Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift. (#PureSwift)

##Requirements Good mood


  • Easy to use
  • Convenience extensions

###What implemented?



#####Message authenticators

###Why Why? Because I can.


Drag the CryptoSwift.xcodeproj file into your Xcode project, and add CryptoSwift.framework as a dependency for your target.


import CryptoSwift

Generally you should use CryptoSwift.Hash,CryptoSwift.Cipher enums or convenience extensions

Hash enum usage

/* Hash enum usage */
var data:NSData = NSData(bytes: [49, 50, 51] as [Byte], length: 3)
if let data = CryptoSwift.Hash.md5(data).calculate() {

Hashing a data

let hash = data.md5()
let hash = data.sha1()
let hash = data.sha224()
let hash = data.sha256()
let hash = data.sha384()
let hash = data.sha512()

let crc = data.crc32()


Hashing a String and printing result

if let hash = "123".md5() {

Working with Cipher

// convenience setup tuple
let setup = (key: keyData, iv: ivData)

// encrypt
if let encrypted = Cipher.ChaCha20(setup).encrypt(dataToEncrypt) {

    // decrypt
    if let decrypted = Cipher.ChaCha20(setup).decrypt(encrypted) {
        // validate result
        if (encrypted.isEqual(decrypted)) {
	        print("Decryption failed!")

with extensions

// convenience setup tuple
let setup = (key: keyData, iv: ivData)

if let encrypted = dataToEncrypt.encrypt(Cipher.ChaCha20(setup)) {
	if let decrypted = encrypted.decrypt(Cipher.ChaCha20(setup)) {

Message authenticators

// Calculate Message Authentication Code (MAC) for message
let mac = Authenticator.Poly1305(key: key).authenticate(message)

##Contact Marcin Krzyżanowski @krzyzanowskim

##Licence see LICENSE file