
Play Zorks from the R console using OpenAI's text-davinci-003 model

Primary LanguageR



This package lets you play zork from the R console if you have an OpenAI key. It will also let you just converse with any of the Instruct GPT models of OpenAI and save your chat afterwards in a text file; it's like using the OpenAI playground but from your R console. These models are for text completion; they are not exactly like ChatGPT (and have fewer guardrails; for one thing, ChatGPT won't play Zork).


Install from github like this:



To play, simply load the library and type begin(). To quit a game, type Q. Otherwise, just use natural language.


The function begin() has an optional model argument that lets you specify the model. The default is "text-curie-001", but you can specify any of the others, including "text-davinci-003". (See the available models here).

Careful! This can get expensive quickly; the game sends by default up to ~530 tokens for each turn. Your token usage and cost per session is tracked in a couple of global variables visible in the "Environment" pane of RStudio and available after the end of the game.

If you wanted to use a fully open-source model that you can run on a high-end machine without paying OpenAI, you may want to try llama.cpp.

begin(model = "text-davinci-003")

Here's an example output:

game capture

If you don't have an accesible OpenAI key, you will be prompted to enter it when you begin a game. The key is saved in the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY. You can also follow the instructions in the openai package to save the key to your .Renviron file.

The function also has an initial_prompt argument that you can use to play a different game, or just use whatever model you are using in an interactive session.

begin(initial_prompt = "What is the capital of Bulgaria?")

Finally, you can also adjust the "temperature" parameter; it is by default set to 1 (useful for more creative tasks) but you can set it close to zero for more analytical tasks that are more deterministic. (I have found that a temperature of 1.5 or more quickly leads to nonsense).

begin(initial_prompt = "What is the capital of Bulgaria?", temperature = 0.2)

After you quit, the game will prompt you to save your game history as a text file.