- alexeygridnevRystad Energy, AS
- andrewheissGeorgia State University
- andybegaBasil Analytics
- arturhgqPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política (UFMG)
- brpinheiro
- chiyahnUniversity of Pennsylvania
- colejhudson
- dsselfAssistant Professor - BYU
- elizabethjuhaszFlorida International University
- embracefall
- fghjorthUniversity of Copenhagen
- hail2thief
- hannesroos
- JBHua
- laidingyi
- leeperLondon, United Kingdom
- lily41628
- luyaninthu@Tsinghua University
- mao-wangChinese Culture University
- mattspenceUS Census Bureau
- mkolczynska
- rachelss
- svmillerStockholm University
- tteoWestchester
- ulfelderTakoma Park, MD
- werkstattcodes