Cannot create ConcatV2. Missing or invalid attribute axis
silppuri opened this issue · 2 comments
I get the following error when converting the graph containing a concat node with axis int_value
greater than 2.
fatal error: Cannot create ConcatV2. Missing or invalid attribute axis.: file <omited>/Pods/MetalBender/Sources/Adapters/Tensorflow/TFConverter+Mappers.swift, line 162
And the node in question from the .pbtxt
node {
name: "fire2/concat/concat/axis"
op: "Const"
attr {
key: "dtype"
value {
type: DT_INT32
attr {
key: "value"
value {
tensor {
dtype: DT_INT32
tensor_shape {
int_val: 3
And if I follow correctly the code it executes the LayerConverter+Mappers.swift
calls the LayerSize.fromTf
with the value 3. which in return is as follow:
static func fromTF(index: Int) -> LayerSizeAxis? {
switch index {
case 0:
return .w
case 1:
return .h
case 2:
return .f
return nil
This evaluates as nil and throws an error.
Is there an error with the graph I'm trying to convert or is a bug in the Bender that it does not support concat indexes beyond axis=2 on a concat layer?
- Xcode 8.3.3,
- iOS: 10.3.2,
- SDK version: 10.3
Bender, as it's based on MPSImage, doesn't support tensors with more than 3 dimensions. What is the shape of the input tensor of the concat?
Ah ok good to know! I'm totally new to the iOS development and tipping my toes around to see what fits my project and Bender seems to be a nice API for the iOS ML projects.
Are there any "hacks" to bypass the limitation of three dimensions?
The tensors to be concatenated have shapes like [64,63,128,64]
and [128,63,128,64]
. This is an inception fire module I'm trying to implement. (An example is of the concat operation )