
a Parsons New School Dorkshop about "How to use your Terminal"

Terminal Dorkshop

Not so long time ago just before the Bell's Chambers release the Unix, before the gestures, clicks and drags arrive, the world was dark and cold. People use to know how to move through shadows and consoles. They know the secrets spells to speak with daemons, and make talk the echo. That was the time of the Midnight Commander and the Emacs. Hard times that forge hard mens. Rules were wrote on code and blended with shell pipes.

That old days have pass. Now everything it's bright and round, but that power still remains on shadows. In silence waits for does brave enough that decide to learn the secret words that unleash the ancient occult powers of your domains.


1. The gate: terminal basics knowledge

2. Trees and Soil: directory structure and filesystem

3. Cosmic dance: jobs controls