- feed in project_all_dir to project_dir
- same server
- same exp name
- same cfg
- sync make pyfig just template
- wlaunch look for project_pyfig
- wlaunch finalise
- git submission functions
- All these exps assume loading cfg.cfg c
- Provide --cfg_path path for other config
python run.py
- Change sweep configuration, either in the pyfig or in the script python sweep.py
- server_cfg=FAB to use project/_settings.py server config
- hierarchy of sweep config: defined in run.py > defined in pyfig
- fab submit "sweep.py --data_path <data_path>"
- calls sweep.py
- which sets up wandb instance
- and submits slurm via Pyfig, with --sweep_id --run sweep_agent --exp_id options (sweep_agent True, exp_id True)
- fab submit "run.py --data_path <data_path>" # TODO HOW TO KNOW WHEN IT SUBMITS TO GPU?!
- calls run.py
- which sets up wandb instance
- and submits slurm via Pyfig, with --run sweep_agent --exp_id options (sweep_agent True, exp_id True)
python run.py
np.squeeze / np.array standardisation of stats needs to handle the edge case where no squeeze and be neater
- does the variable exist yet
- what is the shape of the array
- what is the type of the objects
- does the path exist
- Make everything numpy
- Don't fuck with the shapes '''
python internal : float, int, list, str, dict pathlib : Path numpy : np.ndarray pytorch/jax/tensorflow: used only in mod and jax_, torch_, tf_ utils and identified by 'shape' in dir(arr) typing : Any, Callable