Primary LanguagePython

Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Deep Regression with Ordinal Rankings from Spectral Seriation

This is the implementation of CLSS for the paper "Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Deep Regression with Ordinal Rankings from Spectral Seriation".


Implementation on operator learning, age estimation, and brain-age estimation

Implementations for the three tasks are provided in the separate folders.

Datasets and pre-trained weights

Required files are shared at: https://hkustconnect-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/wdaiaj_connect_ust_hk/Eu_ZWAv3ZCNHvNl4U24F-7sBnr9Ur57IWtbBHTnyIOGmdQ?e=VRNVGb

Links are also available in the folders for the individual tasks.



If this code is useful for your research, please consider citing:

  title={Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Deep Regression with Ordinal Rankings from Spectral Seriation},
  author={Dai, Weihang and Yao, DU and Bai, Hanru and Cheng, Kwang-Ting and Li, Xiaomeng},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},