ICLR 2024: Energy-Based Concept Bottleneck Models: Unifying Prediction, Concept Intervention, and Probabilistic Interpretations

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Energy-Based Concept Bottleneck Models: Unifying Prediction, Concept Intervention, and Probabilistic Interpretations (ECBMs)

This repo is the official implementation of our ICLR 2024 paper:

Energy-Based Concept Bottleneck Models: Unifying Prediction, Concept Intervention, and Probabilistic Interpretations

Xinyue Xu, Yi Qin, Lu Mi, Hao Wang, Xiaomeng Li

Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.

[Paper] [OpenReview)] [PPT]

Overview of our ECBM

Top: During training, ECBM learns positive concept embeddings (in black), negative concept embeddings (in white), class embeddings (in black), and the three energy networks by minimizing the three energy functions, using the total loss function. The concept and class label are treated as constants.

Bottom: During inference, we (1) freeze all concept and class embeddings as well as all networks, and (2) update the predicted concept probabilities and class probabilities by minimizing the three energy functions using the total loss function.



We run all experiments on NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preperation

Please specify the dataset folder path at data_util.py


Configurations are in {dataset}/{dataset_inference}.json file.

  • Select dataset, set dataset='TARGET DATASET'.
  • If using pretrained weight, pretrained = true.
  • emb_size: the feature size after the feature encoder.
  • hid_size: projected feature size.
  • cpt_size: the number of concepts.

Run Experiments

1. Training

Training our ECBM, please run

python main.py --dataset [cub/awa2/celeba]

2. Inference

Running the gradient inference, please specify the trained weight at exp folder (change "trained_weight" to the last ckpt):

python GradientInference.py --dataset [cub/awa2/celeba]

3. Interventions

Individual Intervention

python GradientInference.py --dataset [cub/awa2/celeba] --intervene_type individual --missingratio [0.1, 0.9]



Group Intervention

Only for CUB dataset, CelebA and AWA2 do not have grouped concepts.

python GradientInference.py --dataset cub --intervene_type group --missingratio [0.1, 0.9]

4. Interpretations

Proposition 3.2: Use CalcImportanceScore.py to generate c_gt/c_pred/y_gt/y_pred.npy.

Proposition 3.3/3.4/3.5: Plot heatmaps by plot_correlation.ipynb and plot_joint.ipynb.



Accuracy on Different Datasets. We report the mean and standard deviation from five runs with different random seeds. For ProbCBM (marked with “*”), we report the best results from the ProbCBM paper (Kim et al., 2023) for CUB and AWA2 datasets.

Concept Intervention

Performance with different ratios of intervened concepts on three datasets (with error bars). The intervention ratio denotes the proportion of provided correct concepts. We use CEM with RandInt. CelebA and AWA2 do not have grouped concepts; thus we adopt individual intervention.

Conditional Interpretations

Marginal concept importance for top 3 concepts of 4 different classes computed using Proposition 3.2. ECBM's estimation (Ours) is very close to the ground truth (Oracle).


      title={Energy-Based Concept Bottleneck Models: Unifying Prediction, Concept Intervention, and Probabilistic Interpretations}, 
      author={Xu, Xinyue and Qin, Yi and Mi, Lu and Wang, Hao and Li, Xiaomeng},
      booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},