
MICCAI 2023 DeCaF Best Paper Award: Federated Model Aggregation via Self-Supervised Priors for Highly Imbalanced Medical Image Classification

Primary LanguagePython

FedMAS: Federated Model Aggregation via Self-Supervised Priors for Highly Imbalanced Medical Image Classification

This is the official PyTorch implementation of DeCaF-MICCAI 2023 paper "Federated Model Aggregation via Self-Supervised Priors for Highly Imbalanced Medical Image Classification"


In the medical field, federated learning commonly deals with highly imbalanced datasets, including skin lesions and gastrointestinal images. Existing federated methods under highly imbalanced datasets primarily focus on optimizing a global model without incorporating the intra-class variations that can arise in medical imaging due to different populations, findings, and scanners. In this paper, we study the inter-client intra-class variations with publicly available self-supervised auxiliary networks. Specifically, we find that employing a shared auxiliary pre-trained model, like MoCo-V2, locally on every client yields consistent divergence measurements. Based on these findings, we derive a dynamic balanced model aggregation via self-supervised priors (MAS) to guide the global model optimization. Fed-MAS can be utilized with different local learning methods for effective model aggregation toward a highly robust and unbiased global model.

FedMAS Client

Data Preparation

wget https://isic-challenge-data.s3.amazonaws.com/2019/ISIC_2019_Training_Input.zip
unzip ISIC_2019_Training_Input.zip -d data
wget https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/moco/moco_checkpoints/moco_v2_800ep/moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar
mv moco_v2_800ep_pretrain.pth.tar data/


First create a Conda environment with python 3.7.13, simply run the following command

conda create -n "fedmas" python=3.7.13
conda activate fedmas

Install dependendies

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -U scikit-learn==1.0.2
pip install tensorboard==2.11.2
pip install pandas==1.3.5

Then, you should be able to run federated learning experiments. For example, the following command will run FedMAS on Flamby-ISIC over the 5-fold with 6 hospitals/clients on 6 gpus:


python main.py --method fedavg --client_number 6 --pre_trained_tv --thread_number 6 --comm_round 100 --lr 0.0003 --epochs 1 --data_dir data/Flamby_isic --update_projector_head='both' --partition_method='homo' --partition_alpha=0 --model='resnet18'  --gpu='0,1,3,4,5,6,7' --batch_size=64 --loss_fn_name=BSM --adam --validate_client --fold=1

Baseline without MAS

python main.py --method fedmas --free_u=3 --client_number 6 --pre_trained_tv --pre_trained_models='moco' --thread_number 6 --comm_round 100 --lr 0.0003 --epochs 1 --data_dir data/Flamby_isic --update_projector_head='both' --partition_method='homo' --partition_alpha=0 --model='resnet18' --gpu='0,1,3,4,5,6,7' --batch_size=64 --loss_fn_name=BSM --adam --validate_client --fold=1

with MAS

python main.py --method fedmas --free_u=3 --client_number 6 --pre_trained_tv --pre_trained_models='moco' --thread_number 6 --comm_round 100 --lr 0.0003 --epochs 1 --data_dir data/Flamby_isic --update_projector_head='both' --partition_method='homo' --partition_alpha=0 --model='resnet18' --gpu='0,1,3,4,5,6,7' --batch_size=64 --loss_fn_name=BSM --adam --validate_client --fold=1 --aggregate_method='MAS'


Code design inspired by FedML and FedAlign.


author="Elbatel, Marawan
and Wang, Hualiang
and Marti, Robert
and Fu, Huazhu
and Li, Xiaomeng",
title="Federated Model Aggregation via Self-supervised Priors for Highly Imbalanced Medical Image Classification",
booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2023 Workshops ",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",