TMI 2018. H-DenseUNet: Hybrid Densely Connected UNet for Liver and Tumor Segmentation from CT Volumes
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test.py error
#71 opened by Hung-Hsiang-617 - 4
Where is the test dataset?
#89 opened by Largefreedom - 0
Request Dataset
#131 opened by S-yq - 2
train_2ddense.py Error during Custom Data Training
#75 opened by larry-11 - 0
Evaluating the results?
#121 opened by francismontalbo - 0
my questions about Hdenseunet
#117 opened by luoshiyong - 0
请问'27386' 是怎么计算出来的呢?
#115 opened by Jiangj512 - 1
About generate livermask
#114 opened by Ostarsion - 2
#69 opened by wangzhenlincmd - 0
how to predict by model denseunet-2d?
#112 opened by ee-hash - 1
keras.layers.input batch_shape 最基本問題
#107 opened by Shaiken - 1
Run test.py to predict, show OOM error
#62 opened by anxingle - 10
Error when checking input: expected data to have shape (10, 512, 512, 3) but got array with shape (20, 224, 224, 3)
#65 opened by OxInsky1105 - 2
- 0
#95 opened by genhao3 - 0
about model_best.hdf5
#94 opened by genhao3 - 0
about train_2ddense.py
#93 opened by sipl-zrc - 2
- 0
How do I get the number 27386
#87 opened by genhao3 - 0
in train_2ddense.py, in the code ' steps = 27386 / args.b', How do I get the number 27386
#91 opened by genhao3 - 1
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2D coarse segmentation ResNet network
#88 opened by genhao3 - 0
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How to evaluate Dice .etc?
#72 opened by Kyfafyd - 1
a question about train data and result
#73 opened by Hung-Hsiang-617 - 1
np.where(livertumor == 2)
#76 opened by genhao3 - 1
about preprocessing.py
#77 opened by genhao3 - 5
test.py error
#61 opened by rz2154181 - 0
#74 opened by Hanxuanran - 6
a question about result
#46 opened by Apple-zly - 0
- 0
How to use keras?
#68 opened by lee-zq - 2
System requirement ????
#67 opened by goku573 - 1
liverline =f2.readline()
#66 opened by goku573 - 0
multi GPU problem
#64 opened by JohnleeHIT - 1
#63 opened by OxInsky1105 - 4
A question about processing
#53 opened by Kristin-ZLCHEN - 2
No module named 'custom_layers'
#54 opened by mubeenmeo344 - 1
joint training meaning?
#60 opened by leetesua - 1
Error in 2ddense
#59 opened by agatadefr - 1
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (512,512,155) (512,512,55)
#58 opened by vijaygcr1 - 0
Has anyone compared the performance of H-densenet with that of sliding 3D window + unet?
#57 opened by zpge - 1
Can you provide testdata set?
#51 opened by UCAS-Vincent - 0
train loss
#56 opened by rykkk - 1
2d denseunet use
#55 opened by AmericaBG - 2
Problem run test.py
#48 opened by agatadefr - 0
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- 0
about cropp_img -= args.mean?
#47 opened by qaqzzz