Rev 6, nov 15, 2013
- you will need automatic login via ssh-keys
- on remote machines, your will need some RC file that sets your path for non-interactive shells
- be careful with the clear_node_workdirs and pull_from_nodes functions!
##class Computing_Node()
- fields
- username
- ip
- port
- workdir
- freeslots -> number of cores to use
- mode -> 'remote' or 'local'
- returndir -> local dir that will be synced to after joblist is done
###__init__( username, ip, port, workdir, maxslots, mode, returndir)
###get_command( befehl )
- remove the working directory on the remote machine
- execute "df" on the remote machine
- extracommand can be '' or for example " |grep sda" to pass to df
##class Job_Object()
__init__(self, befehl)
start( self, node)
def check( self):
##push_to_nodes( nodelist, pushfilelist)
- a list of files (or wildcards) in pushfilelist are transferred to the workdir on the remote machine / local dir
- be careful with this!!! remote files will overwrite files that were pushed and that changed in the meantime!!!
- clear the workdirs on the nodes in nodelist
- exectute df on all nodes to get the free disk space
- will add a slash '/' to a string. Is used when building rsync commands to prevent file/directory hazzle