
xmind-generator is a javascript module that creates mind maps and generates Xmind files in the same manner as Xmind UI applications.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


xmind-generator is a javascript module that creates mind maps and generates Xmind files.



Install xmind-generator with your favorite package manager:

npm i xmind-generator


Build document

import { Topic, RootTopic, Relationship, Summary, Marker, Workbook, writeLocalFile, readLocalImage } from 'xmind-generator'
// Note: `readImageFile` helper is only available in the Node.js runtime
const image = await readImageFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'xmind.jpeg'))
const workbook = Workbook(
  RootTopic('Grill House')
          Topic('Garden Salad')
            // Note: ref (aka "reference") is only used in building procedure, is not saved in exported Xmind file.
            .labels(['Lemon Vinaigrette', 'Ginger Dressing']),
          Topic('Tomato Salad').ref('topic:qux')
        .summaries([Summary('Get 10% off', { from: 'topic:baz', to: 'topic:qux' })]),
        .note('With free soft drink')
          Topic('Smoked Bacon').ref('topic:fred'),
          Topic('Fried Chicken').ref('topic:thud').labels(['Hot Chilli'])
      Relationship('', { from: 'Salad', to: 'topic:bar' }),
      Relationship('Special', { from: 'topic:fred', to: 'topic:thud' })
    .summaries([Summary('Fresh and Delicious', { from: 'Salad', to: 'topic:bar' })])

Export and save to a local Xmind file

// Write to a local Xmind file
// Note: `writeLocalFile` helper is only available in the Node.js runtime
writeLocalFile(workbook, '...path to a file with the `.xmind` file extension')

// To use in a browser's JavaScript runtime, the ArrayBuffer to Xmind file can be
// generated by the `archive` method, then downloaded with the `.xmind` file extension
workbook.archive() // ArrayBuffer of document


The main component of an Xmind document is a Workbook object, which contains multiple mind maps. Each mind map is formed as a hierarchical tree structure consisting of a set of Topic objects as its nodes, where a RootTopic object represents the root node as well as the containing mind map.

The RootTopic and Topic builders create nodes in the mind map structure. The RootTopic builder specifically builds the root node, which connects to other nodes through the children method.

 RootTopic('Grill House')
 // Give the node a reference
// For building a multiple sheets structure,
// pass an array of `RootTopic` builders to `Workbook`


Define markers.

Topic('Salad').markers([Marker.Arrow.refresh, Marker.Task.quarter])


Defines plain note Text.

Topic('Salad').note('This is a note')


Define array of labels.

Topic('Salad').labels(['Lemon Vinaigrette', 'Ginger Dressing'])


Defines an image for the topic. ImageSource can accept ArrayBuffer, Buffer, Uint8Array and base64 encoded string.



Applies summaries.

// You can use either a reference string or topic title as an indicator, and make sure they are unique.
Topic('Grill House').summaries([Summary('summary title..', { from: 'topic:foo', to: 'topic:bar' })])


Applies relationships.

// Note: `relationships` method is only available on the `RootTopic` builder
RootTopic('Grill House').relationships([Relationship('title...', { from: 'topic:foo', to: 'topic:bar' })])



MIT © Xmind LTD