
Option to disable pretty print / intendation

theotherp opened this issue · 12 comments

I'm generating an HTML file with <pre> elements. The first line of the content is incorrectly indented. Is there an option to prevent that?

Ok, I see your problem. What kind of disable indentation feature are you thinking?

  1. Do you want to disable indentation at all and print whole document without any indentation?

  2. Or do you want stop indentation at certain point (e.g. before invoking pre()) and then enable indentation again?

I don't really need pretty HTML at all so I don't have a preference. I guess ideally both, but disabling it globally would probably be easier. Looking at the code you would just have to skip the indent call.

Ok, I will include that feature for release 3.3. Can you please include here a small function with your use case of the pre element for unit testing?

    public void bla() throws Exception {
        HtmlView htmlView = new HtmlView<>();
        htmlView.body().pre().text("Some text");
        String s;
        try (ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
            htmlView.setPrintStream(new PrintStream(out));
            s = out.toString();

        assertTrue(s.replaceAll("<pre>\\s+", "<pre>").contains("<pre>Some text"));

        assertFalse(s.contains("\tSome text"));
        assertTrue(s.contains("<pre>Some text"));

@theotherp which version of HtmlFlow are you using?

@theotherp can you please tell me which version of HtmlFlow are you using?

2.0 I know it's a bit older but updating libraries is kind of a hassle here...

I just realized how crazy it is to write a feature request when I don't use the newest version... I'll try to update and see if it works. Sorry about that...

@theotherp Don't sorry.... In fact your issue just allow us to find a bug in the last release 3.2. Your example body().pre() does not compile in the last version, because it does not allow pre() after body(). We will both fix that bug and also implement the disable indentation feature.

Thanks for your feedback.

@theotherp I have just released a new version with support to disable pretty print / indentation. Basically now we provide a new setIndented(boolean isIndented) setter in HtmView. Note that HtmlView instances are immutable, so whenever you call setIndented it returns a new HtmlView object rather than changing the existing one.

Here in HtmlWithoutIndentation.java you can find some use cases of setIndented usage.

Sorry for this late feature but I have been overwhelmed and I also included some other required fixes on this version.

By the way, I think you are not an HtmlFlow stargazer yet. Could you please give us a star?

Best regards,

Will do.