unittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting.
- 1
Compatibility with Python 3.12.x
#289 opened by Andre-85 - 1
Unexpected Success not handled gracefully
#288 opened by silkehorn - 1
- 5
xmlrunner interferes with subprocess use of sys.stderr
#194 opened by whitty - 0
Possible lingering references during test
#285 opened by NGC2023 - 0
LICENSE file installing in usr/LICENSE
#284 opened by NGC2023 - 0
Return result that supports wasSuccessful()
#283 opened by HorstBaerbel - 0
MyPy complains about missing typing
#281 opened by Spenhouet - 0
Compatibility with Python 3.11x
#277 opened by tnachan-splunk - 0
What is the default output filename pattern?
#275 opened by Spenhouet - 2
- 1
Compatibility with ipdb?
#260 opened by niccolomineo - 1
system-out for each testcase
#267 opened by J-u-n-o - 0
Do _TestInfo objects really need a persistent unittest.TestResult reference? They are very hard to pickle...
#268 opened by crswong888 - 2
- 4
- 2
- 1
- 0
LICENSE file missing from pypi tarball
#259 opened by tpetazzoni - 1
Cannot add the "Failfast" argument into the TestTextRunner in the "XmlTestRunner" initialiser
#234 opened by thomaslast - 0
setup.py doesn't declare dependency on lxml
#230 opened by dmolesUC - 0
Documentation on ReadTheDocs is empty
#255 opened by Paebbels - 0
NoneType for result
#237 opened by codytowstik - 1
Django output filename setting is ignored
#233 opened by BrianSidebotham - 5
Test elapsed times being significantly under-reported when run in parallel (via Django's `--parallel` option)
#229 opened by bobwhitelock - 1
Added the ability to set set_attribute
#227 opened by klookAppTest - 8
XML output from xmlrunner is not valid to the xUnit Plugin versions xunit-1.104 and above
#201 opened by bewczardski - 2
Troublesome instructions in readme
#226 opened by winterlinde - 3
- 2
- 1
Naming conflict with 'xmlrunner' Python library(pip)
#225 opened by cakel - 1
Unable to print logging output
#221 opened by Nivalam - 2
XML Runner does not create xml report if unittest.subtest in test suite. Throws AttributeError: '_SubTest' object has no attribute 'elapsed_time'
#218 opened by vgeocze - 2
3.0.1 version not found in pipy
#224 opened by pymen - 0
subtest with object breaks XML generation
#219 opened by XonqNopp - 9
How to integrate test results into jenkins
#209 opened by ncarrier - 3
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Only failed subtests show up in XML output
#210 opened by pikim - 1
Failing unit test: AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'readable'
#208 opened by Athanaseus - 1
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Python 2.7 and __future__ unicode_literals
#193 opened by martync - 3
Not matching python unittest structure.
#202 opened by EltonZhong - 2
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Keep all system output
#192 opened by XonqNopp - 1
- 0
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Readme Reporting to a single file
#196 opened by tbuerli - 1
IOError('could not get source code') with @responses.activate decorator on Python 2.7
#195 opened by medmunds - 1
system-out/system-err at testcase level
#197 opened by ycui - 2
"Generated XML report" output does not obey verbosity
#191 opened by rpkilby