
A command-line Java application to analyze words/characters/letters within a text file. The application analyzed specific word and output results as specified in the command

Primary LanguageJava


  1. Java application for analyzing text within a file.
  2. Extend the test set in a black-box fashion to debug the alternative implementation
  3. a agile, test-driven process


  • <filename>: required
  • -c [integer]: if specified, the textsummary utility will add the number of times the provided appears in the line to the start of each line in the file.
  • -d [integer]: if specified, the textsummary utility will output the words (where a word is any sequence of alphanumeric characters) which are duplicated the most times throughout the file, and the number of times each appears.
  • -l|-s [integer]: if specified, the textsummary utility will keep only the longest(-l) or shortest(-s) [integer](a required positive integer) lines in the file.
  • -u: if specified, the textsummary utility will keep only the first instance of any unique word (where a word is any sequence of alphanumeric characters) in the file.

Example 1:

"file.txt" content: dog bird cat cat cat dog fish

In terminal, enter "textsummary -d 2 -c “d” 2 file.txt"

Result file: 2 dog bird cat cat

Output: “cat 3 dog 2”

Example 2:

"file.txt" content: dog bird cat cat cat dog fish cat dog bird fish

In terminal, enter "textsummary -d -s 2 file1.txt"

Result file: dog bird fish

Outputs “cat 4”