An AWS s3 multipart upload tool utilizing AWS Signature v4 with automatic retry mechanism in case of single or part upload failure.
Make sure to define your access/secret keys in the AWS config
{erlaws3, [
%% AWS keys
{access_key, <<>>},
{secret_key, <<>>},
{default_bucket, <<>>},
{default_region, <<>>},
%% if file_size > max_parts * part_size
%% part_size = file_size / max_parts
%% AWS part size minimum is 5242880 and maximum is 5GB
%% AWS parts maximum is 10000
{max_retry, 3}, % maximum upload retry per part
{max_parts, 10000}, % maximum number of parts per upload
{part_size, 5242880}, % multipart split size
{chunk_size, 1048576}, % file stream chunk size in memory
%% Make sure to define a reasonable upload timeout
%% based on the part_size and max_retry parameters
{part_upload_timeout, 60000} % multipart upload timeout
If file size is less than 5MB, file will be uploaded via regular PUT operation
1> erlaws3:upload(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>, <<"/input_file_path">>, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain"}]).
2> erlaws3:delete(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>)
{ok, true}
You can also manually upload chunks to AWS
1> {ok, Pid} = erlaws3:open_stream(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>, 10, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"image/jpeg">>}]).
2> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"abc">>).
3> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"def">>).
4> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"ghi">>).
5> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"j">>).
6> erlaws3:close_stream(Pid).