
AWS s3 multipart upload tool for erlang

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

erlaws3: AWS s3 multipart upload tool for erlang

An AWS s3 multipart upload tool utilizing AWS Signature v4 with automatic retry mechanism in case of single or part upload failure.


Make sure to define your access/secret keys in the AWS config

{erlaws3, [

  %% AWS keys
  {access_key, <<>>},
  {secret_key, <<>>},

  {default_bucket, <<>>},
  {default_region, <<>>},

  %% if file_size > max_parts * part_size
  %% part_size = file_size / max_parts
  %% AWS part size minimum is 5242880 and maximum is 5GB
  %% AWS parts maximum is 10000

  {max_retry, 3}, % maximum upload retry per part
  {max_parts, 10000}, % maximum number of parts per upload
  {part_size, 5242880}, % multipart split size

  {chunk_size, 1048576}, % file stream chunk size in memory

  %% Make sure to define a reasonable upload timeout
  %% based on the part_size and max_retry parameters

  {part_upload_timeout, 60000} % multipart upload timeout


If file size is less than 5MB, file will be uploaded via regular PUT operation

1> erlaws3:upload(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>, <<"/input_file_path">>, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain"}]).

2> erlaws3:delete(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>)
{ok, true}

You can also manually upload chunks to AWS

1> {ok, Pid} = erlaws3:open_stream(<<"bucket">>, <<"region">>, <<"/aws_file_path">>, 10, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"image/jpeg">>}]).
2> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"abc">>).
3> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"def">>).
4> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"ghi">>).
5> erlaws3:upload_to_stream(Pid, <<"j">>).
6> erlaws3:close_stream(Pid).