
System Monitor - An Alfred 3 Workflow. Take a glance at system performance. List/Kill Top Processes by Memory, Cpu or IO Usage.

Primary LanguageRuby

System Monitor : An Alfred 3 Workflow.

Take a glance at system performance. List/Kill Top Processes by Memory, Cpu or IO Usage.

Forked from Zhao Cai as Alfred 2 Top Workflow at https://github.com/zhaocai/alfred2-top-workflow

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    1. List/Kill Top Processes by Memory/CPU/IO Usage

    1. Get a glance of system status including internal battery, fan speed, CPU/GPU Temperature, bluetooth battery, disk capacity, etc.


0. Show Help

Just type -?, -h, or --help after the keyword to show help.

1. Top Processes

A. Keywords:

1.) top: Show a mixed processes list based on top cpu/memory usage.
1. top -m, top --memory to show processes ranked by memory usage
2. top -c, top --cpu, to show processes ranked by cpu usage
3. top -i, top --io, to show processes ranked by io usage with callback from top io trace collector.

Top IO requires [DTrace][Dtrace] and it would take a while to finish. The new callback design is to run the job in he background and post a notification (OSX 10.8+) using notification center. Click on the notification to show the result in alfred.

Modifier Key
  • none : The default action is to list files opened by process ID
  • control : Kill the selected process
  • command : kill forcefully (kill -9)
  • alt : Nice (lower) the selected process's cpu priority
  • shift : Search web for process information
2.) kill: Filter process to kill.
Modifier Key
  • none: The default action is to kill by process ID
  • command : kill forcefully (kill -9)
3.) lsof: List files opened by process id
Modifier Key
  • none: The default action is to reveal file in Finder

B. Filter by Query

1.) Type process name to filter

2.) To search for process state, use :idle, :sleep, :stopped, :zombie, :uninterruptible, :runnable, etc.

2. Glance an Eye on your system

A. Keywords:

  1. glance: Show system information including internal battery, bluetooth battery, disk capacity, etc.

B. Change Display Order

  1. Activate Alfred PreferencesAdvancedTop Result Keyword Latching

  2. Hit Enter for the feedback item you wish to show up on the top.


Two ways are provided:

  1. You can download the latest release from here and import into to Alfred. This method is suitable for regular users.

  2. You can git clone or fork this repository and use rake install and rake uninstall to install. Check rake -T for available tasks. This method create a symlink to the alfred workflow directory: "~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows". This method is suitable for developers.

Forked from Zhao Cai at https://github.com/zhaocai/alfred2--workflow