
a youtube playlist sharing application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Node.js >= 21.7.1
  • Chrome >= 127.0.6533.119
  • PostgreSQL >= 14.13


  1. Systemd: Copy myserver.service to your systemd folder (if you want to host the application on a remote or local server).
  2. Install Node.js & PostgreSQL: Ensure both are installed, with npm and psql available.
  3. Install Dependencies: Run npm install in the project root.
  4. Create DB: Run createdb <databasename>, and add it to PG_DATABASE in .env.
  5. Configure Environment:
    • Copy .env.example to .env.
    • Update DB details in .env.
  6. Setup DB: Run psql -d <databasename> < lib/schema_data.sql to load schema and seed data.
  7. Start App: Run npm start.
  8. Access: Open Chrome at the HOST:PORT defined in .env.

Application Overview

This app lets users share and collaborate on playlists, with song playback via the YouTube Iframe API.


  1. Public Playlists: Lists all public playlists.
  2. Your Playlists:
    • View, create, edit, delete playlists.
    • Add/remove contributors (must be registered users).
  3. Contribution Playlists:
    • Manage playlists where you're a contributor (add, delete, edit songs).
    • Accepts specific YouTube URLs:
      • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
      • https://youtu.be/...
      • https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=...