

Features Description
Term POSTAG The result of Part-Of-Speech Tagger on the word
DEPREL The universal dependency relation to the word
Frequency TF The term frequency of the word in the whole user story
IDF The inverse document frequency of the word among all the user stories in one product
SF The term frequency of the word in the summary
DF The term frequency of the word in the description
AF The term frequency of the word in the acceptance criteria
Position SRO Whether the word appear in the content of ‘role’ in summary
SGO Whether the word appear in the content of ‘goal/desire’ in summary
SBO Whether the word appear in the content of ‘benefit’ in summary
DO Whether the word appear in the content of description
AO Whether the word appear in the content of acceptance criteria
History RFP The proportion of term frequency of the word among all the words in the historical function
SRFP The proportion of term frequency of the word among all the similar words in the historical
function points
Importance DHV The shortest path from the word to the root verb in the content of ‘goal/desire’
DHN The shortest path from the word to the root noun in the content of ‘goal/desire’
SV The semantic similarity between the word and root verb
SN The semantic similarity between the word and root noun
Representativeness NSWS The number of similar words to the target word in the content of summary
NSWD The number of similar words to the target word in the content of description
NSWA The number of similar words to the target word in the content of acceptance criteria
TRS The TextRank score
Graph WD Degree Centrality is the number of weighted edges incident upon a vertex
BW The Betweenness Centrality of a vertex is a measurement of the number of shortest paths
traversing that vertex
CN The Closeness Centrality of a vertex is a measurement of its proximity to the rest of the
vertices in the network
EC The Eigenvector Centrality is a measure of the importance of a vertex in a network
PR The scores calculated with Page Rank Algorithm


Description Acceptance Recommendation FP List
作为客户经理,我希望根据我选择的考核时间,查询近24个月的**** **时间筛选条件***** 1、根据数据获取时间筛选范围。2、确初始化时间选择控件。 考核时间选择
作为***管理员,我想要新增某**的******,使得**的******的准确性。 1、能成功保存修改的******信息2、**查询功能,能够查询到修改后的******信息3、并能将******回传到***系统 业务要求:该功能隐藏AC1、能成功保存修改的******2、**查询功能,能够查询到修改后的********3、并能将******回传到***系统 ******新增
作为**人员,我希望在设置****时能够直接进行**操作,以便减少我的操作步骤 在****管理 **管理 **** **结果调整界面,在“添加”和“提交”之间,新加“提交并重对”按钮,点击后提交对应关系,并自动对该**的该调整记录对应的****进行重对处理 按钮增加正常点击后,**关系可以建立,并能够正对该调整信息对应的**记录进行重新** **结果提交并重对
作为客户经理,我想希望在客户画像页展示客户的******,以便为客户购买** 1、***客户****承受能力评估信息***评估类型代码**:****、**:****2、需要开发CSV接口 在客户画像显示****** 客户******、******显示
作为使用者,我想要看到******的视频和相关文档 *****页面添加视频和相关文档 在*****页面,********区域添加第2期的3个视频和相关文档,视频播放和文档下载均正常 ***视频播放, ***视频下载