**This is the code implementation we implemented about the published paper "Identification of navel orange lesions by nonlinear deep learning algorithm".
**The download address of the paper is: https://www.scielo.br/j/eagri/a/vJBbggfFXQw7RkcLQMXN87D/?format=pdf&lang=en
We implement it under the caffe framework. For detailed caffe information, please refer to its official website: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe
How to use our code?
- Download the official caffe package
- Download our PEBLU package
- Refer to PENLU's caffe.proto to modify the official caffe.proto (it is located under caffe/src/proto/)
- Merge the include and src in PENLU to the official caffe
- Compile caffe according to the official caffe compilation method, Please refer to: Caffe | Installation (berkeleyvision.org)
- We provide some examples of our use of PENLU in network structures. For detailed network structure, please refer to caffe_penlu/models.
- The network structure used by navel orange recognition is located in caffe_penlu/navel_orange/
- The image data used for navel orange identification is stored in CSDN, click the link to download: https://download.csdn.net/download/xunan003/87283623?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503
Regarding the 3rd method of use, you need to add the registration part of the penlu layer to caffe.proto in caffe, as follows:
message LayerParameter {
optional string name = 1; // the layer name
optional string type = 2; // the layer type
repeated string bottom = 3; // the name of each bottom blob
repeated string top = 4; // the name of each top blob
optional PENLUParameter penlu_param = 151; // 151 is the id, which is not the same as the id of other registration parameters
message V1LayerParameter {
repeated string bottom = 2;
repeated string top = 3;
optional string name = 4;
optional PENLUParameter penlu_param = 50; // 50 is the id, which is not the same as the id of other registration parameters
message PENLUParameter {
optional FillerParameter alpha_filler = 1; // default = 1
optional FillerParameter beta_filler = 2; // default = 1
optional FillerParameter eta_filler = 3; // default = 1
// Whether or not slope paramters are shared across channels.
optional bool channel_shared = 4 [default = false];