Project 4 - Anand Shankar, Cara Monastra, Jasmine Wiley, Joe Liang, John Silberstein


The objective of this project is to develop tool for medical professional help diagnose multiple types of health issues, using machine based learning. To demonstate the the feasibility of this tool we are beginning with a heart disease database and a fetal health database. Both of the databases were sourced separately from

We are using multiple types of machine learning models: Logistic Regression, K-nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest Classifier.

The front end of the tool is a web based design where the parameters for a particular patient can be entered by a medical professional.

The modeling is designed so that the code can be easily adapted for multiple fields of medicine and as additional decision parameters are determined, the models can be quickly remodeled and updated.

The output of this project is a patient outcome based on the model selected and the patient information entered.