
Shell script to create a Novena image from scratch

Primary LanguageShell

Novena Image

Create Debian disk images that can be used to boot Novena systems.


The script comes with a help screen that can be used to customize the resulting image. For examples, see wraper scripts such as "mmc-install.sh" and "sata-install.sh".


novena-image.sh can be run on ARM or non-ARM systems. Running on a non-ARM system is a "cross-build" and uses qemu-user to complete the installation. This require the executable qemu-arm-static to be available somewhere on the PATH. The package that supplies qemu-arm-static on Debian is qemu-user-static, on Ubuntu it's qemu-arm-static.

There may be problems when running on armv7l systems that are set up as soft-float (not tested, not a common configuration).

Recommended package lists

Different board configurations have different suggested package lists. This is because different boards have different SD sizes installed.

For the 4 GB "Bare Board" model and laptop recovery partition, we recommend the following package list:

-l "sudo openssh-server ntp ntpdate dosfstools novena-eeprom \
    xserver-xorg-video-modesetting arandr user-setup vim emacs \
    hicolor-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme keychain locales evtest \
    avahi-daemon avahi-dnsconfd libnss-mdns debootstrap psutils \
    python build-essential xscreensaver console-data zip tcpdump \
    x11-xserver-utils usbutils unzip xz-utils subversion git make \
    screen tmux read-edid powertop powermgmt-base pavucontrol \
    p7zip-full paprefs pciutils nmap ntfs-3g network-manager-vpnc \
    network-manager-pptp network-manager-openvpn bash-completion \
    network-manager-iodine hexchat icedove iceweasel gnupg2 unp \
    git-email git-man fuse enigmail dc curl clang bridge-utils \
    bluez bluez-tools bluez-hcidump bison bc automake autoconf \
    pidgin alsa-utils i2c-tools hwinfo android-tools-adb unrar-free \
    android-tools-fastboot android-tools-fsutils smartmontools \
    xfce4-goodies xfce4-power-manager xfce4-mixer xfce4-terminal \
    mousepad orage dbus-x11 quodlibet evince-gtk irssi strace \
    tango-icon-theme network-manager-gnome synaptic pkg-config \
    gnome-orca ncurses-dev gdb lzop gawk bison g++ gcc flex \
    pm-utils qalc qalculate-gtk memtester locate mousetweaks \
    iptraf iperf iotop initramfs-tools gnupg-agent exfat-fuse \
    exfat-utils dict aptitude libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 \
    libqt5widgets5 console-setup lightdm"

For the 16 GB "Desktop" model and the SSD-based "Laptop" models, the following, more-complete package list is recommended:

-l "sudo openssh-server ntp ntpdate dosfstools btrfs-tools novena-eeprom \
    xserver-xorg-video-modesetting task-xfce-desktop hicolor-icon-theme \
    gnome-icon-theme tango-icon-theme keychain avahi-daemon avahi-dnsconfd \
    libnss-mdns btrfs-tools dosfstools parted debootstrap python \
    build-essential xscreensaver vlc vim emacs x11-xserver-utils \
    usbutils unzip apt-file xz-utils subversion git make screen tmux \
    read-edid powertop powermgmt-base pavucontrol p7zip-full paprefs \
    pciutils nmap ntfs-3g network-manager-vpnc network-manager-pptp \
    network-manager-openvpn network-manager-iodine mplayer2 libreoffice \
    imagemagick icedove iceweasel gtkwave gnupg2 git git-email git-man \
    fuse freecad enigmail dc curl clang bridge-utils bluez bluez-tools \
    bluez-hcidump bison bc automake autoconf pidgin alsa-utils verilog \
    i2c-tools hwinfo android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot \
    android-tools-fsutils libcap-ng0 libglib2.0-0"