
Factory test framework for Novena

Primary LanguageC++

Novena Test

This is the testing framework for the Novena laptop. It is originally based on the Kovan testing framework.

Tests are arranged as a series of subclasses of the NovenaTest class. Each test must implement the void runTest(void) method, and should emit a testStateUpdated(int level, int value, QString *message) signal every time the test state is updated.

Creating new tests

A minimal test would look like:

 #include "novenatest.h"
 class SimpleTest : public NovenaTest
         SimpleTest() { }
         void runTest() {
             emit testStateUpdated(TEST_INFO, 0, new QString("Test completed"));

You would then add this test to novenatestengine.cpp in the loadAllTests() method by adding the following:

tests.append(new SimpleTest());

When your runTest thread exits, if it hasn't emitted a TEST_ERROR state, then the test is assumed to have completed successfully.

Current tests

The following tests have been defined. Note that tests in italics have not yet been written:

  • Power logger (Logs current draw from Senoko)
  • SATA prober (Ensures a SATA drive is attached)
  • MMC checker (Ensures internal MMC is in place)
  • Firmware loader (Loads firmware onto internal MMC, in the background)
  • HDMI tester (Puts patterns on the screen)
  • USB tester (Loopback?)
  • PCIe tester (enumeration? Ethernet loopback?)
  • EEPROM tester (Verify EEPROM exists, update it if necessary)
  • String printer (Useful for printing status messages)

USB test image for bare board

While the base system software runs off the external MMC card, the actual factory test program, along with the image to be burned, all reside on a separate USB drive. This drive MUST contain a valid partition table, and MUST have the first partition be VFAT-formatted. The disk MUST contain the following files:

  • novena-test: The program built here, with NOVENA_BAREBOARD defined in novenatestengine.cpp
  • gpbb_fpga.bit: Available in the files/ directory
  • novena_fpga-1.22.bit: Available in the files/ directory
  • runtest.sh: Available in the files/ directory
  • sounds/: A directory containing .wav files. Suggested to be pentatonic.
  • networkmanager-config: A NetworkManager keyfile configuration for the wifi access point used in the factory

USB test image for desktop configuration

  • novena-test: The program built here, with NOVENA_DESKTOP defined in novenatestengine.cpp
  • runtest.sh: Available in the files/ directory
  • sounds/: A directory containing .wav files. Suggested to be pentatonic.
  • senoko.hex: Senoko configuration file, output from ChibiOS-3 build
  • stm32flash: Executable binary output from stm32flash repo
  • debian packages: The .deb files referenced in the PackageInstaller() test in novenatestengine.cpp

Optionally, you can add this file:

  • networkmanager-config: A NetworkManager keyfile configuration for the wifi access point used in the factory

USB test image for laptop configuration

  • novena-test: The program built here, with NOVENA_LAPTOP defined in novenatestengine.cpp
  • runtest.sh: Available in the files/ directory
  • sounds/: A directory containing .wav files. Suggested to be pentatonic.
  • senoko.hex: Senoko configuration file, output from ChibiOS-3 build
  • stm32flash: Executable binary output from stm32flash repo
  • debian packages: The .deb files referenced in the PackageInstaller() test in novenatestengine.cpp

Optionally, you can add this file:

  • networkmanager-config: A NetworkManager keyfile configuration for the wifi access point used in the factory

Constructing a Factory Test image

Put the factory test on its own root filesystem image, and change the disk ID to 0x4e6f7646 ("NovF"):

fdisk /dev/sdb

Then create a uEnv.txt file in the root, containing the following:

finalhook=setenv rec factory ; setenv bootargs init=/lib/systemd/systemd rootwait rw root=PARTUUID=4e6f7646-03 console=tty0

Also, create a novena-factory-test.service file:

Description=Novena Factory Image
After=dbus.service network-pre.target systemd-sysusers.service
Before=systemd-network.target network.target multi-user.target shutdown.target graphical.target systemd-user-sessions.service novena-firstrun.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/startx xfce4-terminal


Modify /etc/fstab on the target system. Replace all instances of platform-2198000.usdhc with platform-2194000.usdhc and add a line to mount the installation media, and create /factory:

/dev/disk/by-path/platform-ci_hdrc.1-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1 /factory vfat defaults 2 2

Copy the wifi configuration file to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ and ensure it's chmod 0600 owned by root.

Finally, load the systemd script by running "systemctl enable novena-factory-test".

Something like this:

sudo cp novena-factory-test.service "${root}/lib/systemd/system/"
sudo chroot "${root}" systemctl enable novena-factory-test
sudo sed -i 's/2198000/2194000/g' "${root}/etc/fstab"
echo '/dev/disk/by-path/platform-ci_hdrc.1-usb-0:1.4.1:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0-part1 /factory vfat defaults 2 2' >> "${root}/etc/fstab"
sudo mkdir "${root}/factory"
sudo cp wifi_config "${root}/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
sudo chmod 0600 "${root}/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/wifi_config"
sudo chown root:root "${root}/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/wifi_config"