
A declarative language with no semantics that is useful for creating simple DSLs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Denada - A declarative language for creating simple DSLs


Denada is based on a project I once worked on where we needed to build and quickly evolve a simple domain-specific language (DSL). But an important aspect of the project was that there were several non-developers involved. We developed a language very similar to this one that had several interesting properties (which I'll come to shortly). Recently, I was faced with a situation where I needed to develop a DSL for a project and decided to follow the same approach.

I can already imagine people rolling their eyes at the premise. But give me five more minutes and I'll explain why I did it.

There are lots of different ways to build DSLs. Let's take a quick walk across the spectrum of possibilities. One approach to DSL design is to create an "internal DSL" where you simply use clever syntactic tricks in some host language to create what looks like a domain specific language but is really just a set of domain specific primitives layered on top of an existing language. Scala is particularly good for things like this (using implicit constructs) but you can do it in a number of languages (yes, Lisp works well for this too...but I don't care for the aesthetics of homoiconic representations). The problem here is that you expose the user of the language to the (potentiall complicated) semantics of the host language. Depending on the use case, leveraging the host language's semantics could be a win (you need to implement similar semantics in your language) or a loss (you add a bunch of complexity and sharp edges to a language for non-experts).

Another approach is to create a so-called "external DSL". For this, you might using a parser generator (e.g. ANTLR) to create a parser for your language. This allows you to completely define your semantics (without exposing people to the host language semantics). This allows you to control the complexity of the language. But you've still got to create the parser, debug parsing issues, generate a tree, and then write code to walk the tree. So this can be a significant investment of time. Sure, parser generators can really speed things up. But there are cases where some of this work can be skipped.

Another route you can go is to just use various markup languages to try and represent your data. Representations like XML, YAML, JSON or even INI files can be used in this way. But for some cases this is either overly verbose, too "technical" or unreadable.

So Why Denada?

The general philosophy of Denada is to define a syntax a priori. As a result, you don't need to write a parser for it. You don't get a choice about how the language looks. Sure, it's fun to "design" languages. But there is a wide range of simple DSLs that can be implemented naturally within the limited syntax of Denada.

So, I can already hear people saying "But if you've decided on the syntax, you've already design a language, what's all this talk about designing DSLs". Although the syntax of Denada is defined, the grammar isn't. Denada allows us to impose a grammar on top of the syntax in the same way that "XML Schemas" allow us to impose a structure on top of XML. And, like "XML Schemas" we use the same syntax for the grammar as for the language. But unlike anything XML related, Denada looks (kind of) like a computer language designed for humans to read. It also includes a richer data model.

An Example

To demonstrate how Denada works, let's work through a simple example. Imagine I'm a system administator and I need a file format to list all the assets in the company.

The generic syntax of Denada is simple. There are two things you can express in Denada. One looks like a variable declaration and the other expresses nested structure (which can contain instances of these same two things). For example, this is valid Denada code:

printer ABC {
   set location = "By my desk";
   set model = "HP 8860";

This doesn't really mean anything, but it conforms to the required syntax. Although this might be useful as is, the real use case for Denada is defining a grammar that restricts what is permitted. That's because this is also completely legal:

aardvark ABC {
   set location = "By my desk";
   set order = "Tubulidentata";

So in this case, we want to restrict ourselves (initially) to cataloging printers. To do this, we specify a grammar for our assets file. Initially, our grammar could look like this:

printer _ "printer*" {
  set location = { "type": "string" } "location";
  set model = { "type": "string" } "model";
  set networkName = { "type": "string" } "name?";

Note how this looks almost exactly like our original input text? That is because grammars in Denada are Denada files. They just have some special annotations (not syntax!). In this case, the "name" of the printer is given as just _. This is a wildcard in Denada means "any identifier". Also note the "descriptive string" following the printer definition, "printer*". That means that this defines the printer rule and the start indicates we can have zero or more of them in our file.

Furthermore, this grammar defines the contents of a printer specification. It shows that there can be three lines inside a printer definition. The first is the location of the printer. This is mandatory because the rule name, "location" has no cardinality specified. Similarly, we also have a mandatory model property. Finally, we have an optional networkName property. We know it is optional because the rule name "name?" ends with a ?.

By defining the grammar in this way, we specify precisely what can be included in the Denada file. But let's not limit ourselves to printers. Assume we want to list the computers in the company too. We could simply create a new rule for computers, e.g.,

printer _ "printer*" {
  set location = { "type": "string" } "location";
  set model = { "type": "string" } "model";
  set networkName = { "type": "string" } "name?";

computer _ "computer*" {
  set location = { "type": "string" } "location";
  set model = { "type": "string" } "model";
  set networkName = { "type": "string" } "name?";

In this case, the contents of these definitions are the same, so we could even do this:

'printer|computer' _ "asset*" {
  set location = { "type": "string" } "location";
  set model = { "type": "string" } "model";
  set networkName = { "type": "string" } "name?";

With just this simple grammar, we've created a parser for a DSL that can parse our sample asset list above and flag errors. The resulting abstract syntax tree is just a JSON tree:

    "element": "definition",
    "qualifiers": [
    "name": "ABC",
    "contents": [
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "location",
        "value": "By my desk",
        "description": null,
	"rulename": "location",
        "count": 0
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "model",
        "value": "HP 8860",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "model",
        "count": 0
    "description": null,
    "rulename": "printer",
    "count": 0
    "element": "definition",
    "qualifiers": [
    "name": "DEF",
    "contents": [
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "location",
        "value": "By my desk",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "location",
        "count": 0
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "model",
        "value": "HP 8860",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "model",
        "count": 0
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "networkName",
        "value": "PrinterDEF",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "name",
        "count": 0
    "description": null,
    "rulename": "printer",
    "count": 1
    "element": "definition",
    "qualifiers": [
    "name": "XYZ",
    "contents": [
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "location",
        "value": "On my desk",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "location",
        "count": 0
        "element": "declaration",
        "qualifiers": [],
        "typename": "set",
        "modifiers": null,
        "varname": "model",
        "value": "Mac Book Air",
        "description": null,
        "rulename": "model",
        "count": 0
    "description": null,
    "rulename": "computer",
    "count": 0

We can then walk this tree and extract the information we need. By using the grammar, we know exactly what content to expect in the abstract syntax tree so we can minimize the amount of checking we need to do when walking it.

Note how the tree has been marked up with information about the rule that each node matched? As we'll see in a minute, this will allow us to quickly query for matches.

AST Processing

In our asset tracking example, the AST is pretty large and includes a lot of information. If we need that information, then this is really useful. But there are many cases where we may not.

Let's imagine, for the sake of our example, that we simply wanted to generate a decently formatted list of computers. The following example code shows a script that would read in our asset list from a file named assets.dnd, check it against a grammar for that file (to make sure the format conforms precisely to what we expect) and then process the AST into a nice list:

var grammar = denada.parseFileSync('assetGrammar.dnd');
var tree = denada.parseFileSync('assets.dnd');

denada.process(tree, grammar);

function isComputer(d) { return d.rulename==="computer"; }
// TODO: This won't work with the current version.  This example needs
// to be updated.
function prettyPrint(d) { return d.name+": "+d.decl.model.value+" @ "+d.decl.location.value; }

var computers = denada
    .flatten(tree, isComputer)

console.log("Computers:\n"+computers.join(", "));

The resulting output from this script would be:

XYZ: Mac Book Air @ Coffee machine

If we wanted to output all the assets according to this format, we might change the script to be:

var grammar = denada.parseFileSync('assetGrammar.dnd');
var tree = denada.parseFileSync('assets.dnd');

denada.process(tree, grammar);

// TODO: This won't work with the current version.  This example needs
// to be updated.
function prettyPrint(d) { return d.name+": "+d.decl.model.value+" @ "+d.decl.location.value; }

var assets = denada
    .flatten(tree, denada.pred.isDefinition)


In this case, the output from the script would be:

ABC: HP 8860 @ Mike's desk
XYZ: Mac Book Air @ Coffee machine
DEF: HP 8860 @ Mike's desk

The Denada library includes basic functions to visit nodes in the AST of the simply flatten it (with optional filtering). Once the tree has been flattened, the normal Array related functions from Javascript (e.g., map) can be applied to the resulting collection of nodes.