Test Driven Development with React and Jasmine
TDD with React and Jasmine Bridge Troll workshop sponsored by XO Group in collaboration with React NYC and NYC Testers.
Installation instructions
- Install NVM
- Install Git
- If you would like to be able to push to your own repository, also set up an ssh key
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/xogroup/bridge_tdd_workshop.git
To start the app locally
$ nvm install v8.9.1 # or nvm use if you have that version installed already
$ npm install # installs app dependencies listed in package.json
$ npm run build # transpiles and bundles files (watches for file changes by default)
$ npm start # starts the app at localhost:3000
Running the tests
$ npm test
Useful documentation
Different workshop tracks
Check out this great React + TDD Post to guide you through the different tracks.
- Beginner
- Render component with with plain text
- Edit component to include if/else logic
- Add button, where clicking leads to change in text
- Component that passes props to child(ren)
- Intermediate
- Introduction of spies: making sure function was called
- Helper functions in other files that can be imported and tested in isolation
- Testing strategy chats
- setup, testing, breakdown
- shallow, render, or mount
- red, green, refactor cycle
- Advanced
- Making API call, mocking/stubbing, and fixtures
- Use any public API you've wanted to play with
- Components talking to each other and state management/checking
- Promises
- Making API call, mocking/stubbing, and fixtures