
SNS-to-RabbitMQ proxy, deployed in a microcontainer.

Primary LanguageShellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This is the code to an application described in our blog post "My Precious Little Container (emphasis on little)".

As such it is primarily offered here as an example, but it is also perfectly usable as a simple web application that acts as a sort of proxy, effectively allowing you to subscribe a RabbitMQ queue to an SNS topic. (One could also ignore the SNS-specific functionality and just use it as a POST HTTP endpoint to RabbitMQ.)

Simply edit the NAME variable at the top of the Makefile as appropriate (the Makefile as given assumes you have a place to which to push Docker images); edit Configuration.hs with values for your setup; and run

make docker-build

Then deploy the container using your favorite container deployment strategy. The web application runs on container port 3000.

Ultimately you would have this exposed publicly at, say, https://my-rmq-proxy.example.com, at which point you can subscribe the address https://{xoWaiUsername here}:{xoWaiPassword here}@my-rmq-proxy.example.com.