
The GroqAPI class is designed to facilitate interaction with the Groq API for AI model requests.

Primary LanguageXojoMIT LicenseMIT

GroqAPI Xojo Class

The GroqAPI class is designed to facilitate interaction with the Groq API for AI model requests. It provides methods to send chat completion requests and retrieve a list of available models, handling the necessary HTTP communication under the hood.


  • SendChatCompletionRequest: Sends a POST request to generate chat completions based on provided messages and parameters.
  • GetAvailableModels: Sends a GET request to retrieve a list of available AI models from the Groq API.
  • AddMessage: Allows adding user or assistant messages to the request payload, supporting conversation context.
  • CheckContextWindowUsage: Monitors the usage of the model's context window to ensure efficient token management.


To use the GroqAPI class in your Xojo project:

  1. Download or clone this repository.
  2. Open your Xojo project.
  3. Drag the GroqAPI class file into your Xojo project navigator.
  4. Get an API key from Groq.com at https://console.groq.com/keys


Drag and Drop the GroqAPI Class

  1. Open your Xojo Project: Launch Xojo and open your existing project or create a new one.
  2. Import the GroqAPI Class: Drag the GroqAPI class file from your file explorer into the Xojo project navigator on the left side of the Xojo IDE.
  3. Add to a Window: Drag the GroqAPI class from the project navigator onto a window in your project. This creates an instance of GroqAPI in that window.

Set Properties in the Xojo Inspector panel

  1. Select the GroqAPI Instance: Click on the GroqAPI instance in your window to select it.
  2. Open the Inspector Panel: If the Inspector panel is not already open, you can open it by selecting View -> Inspector from the menu.
  3. Set Properties: In the Inspector panel, you can set the following properties for the GroqAPI instance:
    • ApiKey: Enter your API key obtained from Groq.com.
    • Model: Specify the AI model to use (e.g., llama-3.1-70b-versatile).
    • Temperature: Set the temperature value to control response randomness.
    • MaxTokens: Define the maximum number of tokens for the response.
    • TopP: Adjust this to control response diversity.
    • Memory: Enable or disable memory to retain previous messages.

Example Code

// Create an instance of the GroqAPI class
Var groqAPI As New GroqAPI

// Set the API key for authentication
groqAPI.ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

// Set additional parameters if needed
groqAPI.Model = "llama-3.1-70b-versatile"
groqAPI.Temperature = 0.7
groqAPI.MaxTokens = 500

// Attach the event handlers to the events
AddHandler groqAPI.ResponseReceived, AddressOf HandleResponseReceived
AddHandler groqAPI.ErrorReceived, AddressOf HandleErrorReceived

// Send a chat completion request
groqAPI.AddMessage("user", "Hello, can you tell me about the weather today?")

// Retrieve available models

// Define the event handlers
Sub HandleResponseReceived(sender As GroqAPI, ResponseType As String, AvailableData As JSONItem)
  // Process the response
End Sub

Sub HandleErrorReceived(sender As GroqAPI, URL As String, HTTPStatus As Integer, content As String)
  // Handle any errors
End Sub


  • ApiKey: String - Your API key for authentication.
  • Model: String - The AI model to use for requests.
  • Temperature: Double - Controls randomness in responses.
  • MaxTokens: Integer - Maximum number of tokens to generate in the response.
  • TopP: Double - Controls diversity of the response.
  • Memory: Boolean - Determines if previous messages should be retained.

Event Hooks

  • ResponseReceived: Triggered when a successful API response is received.
  • ErrorReceived: Triggered when an error occurs during an API request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss potential changes.