
Learning and experimenting with Django features and its ecosystem

Primary LanguagePython

What is learningdjango?

I use this project to experiment and try out the features of Django and its ecosystem. This project uses the following stack:

I also use it as the base for my tutorials and articles on my blog.

Steps to recreate the project from scratch

Create a new directory and switch to it

mkdir learningdjango
cd learningdjango

install Poetry and init a new project by creating the pyproject.toml file with Django as a dependency

poetry init --no-interaction --dependency django

to add other dependencies later on, just run poetry add like so

poetry add celery

then create the virtual environment with all the dependencies

poetry install

and create a new Django project in the current directory

poetry run django-admin.py startproject learningdjango .

finally run the migrations for the default apps and run the development web server

poetry run python3 manage.py migrate
poetry run python3 manage.py runserver 7000

Go to localhost:7000 and you should see the default Django page...


learningdjango was written by Alexandru Cojocaru.


AGPLv3 or later.