template for abstraction over gorm library including several functions

  1. error processing
  • internal errors (meant errors whose caused by developer mistake) will be logged and replaced by common error, which can be directly passed to ended user
  • not found error just an alias for gorm not found error, can be places on tier near the internal error
  1. extended logs
  • add error tracing w/o system calls. only trace thorough you own project
  • add all parameters whose were passed to builder in conditions
  1. elaborated preload calling order (alpha) gorm doesn't support queries like:
query := db.Preload("Role")
err := query.Count(&count)
err := query.Find(&response)

in case if you for some reason want to specify preloads earlier than counting - this interface will store preload conditions in .preloads field and will apply preloads before query closures