- 3
- 3
ability to add jasmine reporters
#640 opened by WickyNilliams - 2
Chimp running.... (and doesnn't do anything at all)
#641 opened by Gobliins - 2
- 1
Tutorial page invisible
#649 opened by jrpool - 3
Chrome is being tested even though browser=firefox
#651 opened by rsshilli - 2
--debugMocha not working with node 8.7
#660 opened by brucejo75 - 4
Windows 10 After upgrading meteor chimp doesn`t want to work (even downgrading meteor version does not work) #9358
#663 opened by claudiutraistaru-cluttered - 4
How should I configure chimp?
#664 opened by Saravana9210 - 2
- 1
Error: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters ("input[Search_Query_Term1="Re"]").
#673 opened by neville4529 - 1
ExpectationFailed: Expected 'BRCA1/2' to contain 'AC Chemo'. at World.<anonymous> (features/step_definitions/step_defs.js:87:32)
#674 opened by neville4529 - 1
Chimp on windows 10 problem
#676 opened by MacroS88 - 14
- 15
How to get Chrome headless to download files?
#679 opened by rsshilli - 1
Chai version
#682 opened by GiroudA - 3
- 5
Saucelabs failure does not make chimp exit non-zero
#687 opened by joscha - 2
- 2
- 12
- 1
Chrome render issue with chimp
#693 opened by eliawk - 1
- 2
Security vulnerability
#692 opened by rodrigok - 2
- 1
Unclear status of documentation.
#701 opened by gustawdaniel - 3
Error while installing chimp in meteor
#695 opened by hridyansh68 - 0
Not being able to install chimp in meteor
#694 opened by hridyansh68 - 5
Update fibers to v2
#683 opened by andrestaht - 1
How to run cucumber in strict mode?
#678 opened by rsshilli - 2
Question: Is there a way to reuse a previous browser session in test development mode?
#647 opened by xywang68 - 6
How do I hide Webdriverio warning messages?
#648 opened by KristianWindsor - 5
Add cucumber defineParameterType support to Chimp.
#650 opened by Aracturat - 5
- 1
webdriverio plugins
#644 opened by joscha - 1
phantom is not able to upload files
#656 opened by asanchezgiraldo - 1
Documentation for local testing with Browserstack - Chimp & WebdriverIO
#659 opened by KristianWindsor - 4
- 1
- 6
Why not pin the package chromedriver?
#666 opened by SimonSimCity - 1
How do I capture the expected image or text on the page using cucumber chimp
#672 opened by neville4529 - 1
Question about chimp with node v.8.9.1
#669 opened by JoeRattanamaneesilp - 2
When a selector matches more than 100 elements, errors occur: connect ECONNRESET, write EPIPE, read ECONNRESET
#653 opened by KristianWindsor - 1
V8 deprecation causes 'make' crash when installing Chimp with Meteor 1.6-beta
#652 opened by martinhbramwell - 1
Packaging error - 0.50 includes all node_modules
#657 opened by jbblanchet - 1
- 3
- 3
Chimp status
#655 opened by bjarketrux - 0
Cannot run single scenario
#638 opened by tiagolr - 2