A template project to use for creating a meteor app with unit and webdriver testing
- 0
Doesn't work out of the box
#42 opened by rajish - 8
Coverage is not generated
#41 opened by Maxim-Filimonov - 10
Custom karma.conf.js crashes rtd
#40 opened by Suaveit - 3
rsync error
#39 opened by andrashee - 2
Is it possible to use a different directory name(this project uses 'app') where project's meteor code resides?
#38 opened by D-Ne0 - 0
not rejected but errback
#37 opened by monbro - 0
karma-cli required by Gruntfile.js
#34 opened by kevinharvey - 0
Unknown error
#32 opened by nicosommi - 0
- 7
- 2
problem starting up
#29 opened by ryw - 3
Acceptance test timeout
#25 opened by austinrivas - 4
"Can't find variable: share" when trying to setup against project using coffeescript
#28 opened by jonathanmoffatt - 4
Exits with Bus error: 10
#26 opened by dgtlife - 2
Jasmine timeout setting
#23 opened by bowlesdr - 0
rtd.conf.js - killMongo flag not working
#24 opened by owenrh - 2
- 7
- 10
Does not work with Chrome but Firefox
#17 opened by lc3t35 - 2
Error: Command Failed
#19 opened by leedavidr - 1
git submodule update
#18 opened by leedavidr - 11
Running acceptance tests fails
#15 opened by stou - 15
- 1
TypeError: TemplateClass.prototype[templateName].eventMap[key] is not a function
#16 opened by lc3t35 - 3
Running acceptance tests fails on MacOS 10.8.3
#13 opened by lc3t35 - 11
Crashes on unit tests
#11 opened by wackazong - 1
meteor-router conflict
#12 opened by pho3nixf1re - 5
- 4
- 5
Suggestions on how to import underscore?
#9 opened by mockdeep - 4
Missing install instructions
#7 opened by alanning - 4
- 2
Better documentation
#5 opened by sbking - 3
- 1
Error when following Readme.md instructions
#3 opened by alanning