
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

XONAI Benchmarks

This repository contains scripts and resources that we created for running TPC benchmarks in the cloud:

TPC-H benchmarks

Data Generation

The benchmark.py script can be used to create TPC-H tables on S3. Before this script is executed on an EC2 instance, a few variables must be set and several dependencies need to be installed:

  1. The environment variable XONAI_HOME denotes the path to the benchmark root directory under which xonai-benchmarks and the projects mentioned below are placed, for example /home/ec2-user/bench
  2. Variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY hold the credentials for accessing S3.
  3. A suitable Spark release can be downloaded from https://archive.apache.org/dist/spark/spark-3.1.2/spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2.tgz. In addition, the SPARK_HOME environment variable needs to be set to its installation location.
  4. The tpch-kit should be downloaded into XONAI_HOME. The project can be compiled with the commands from lines 15 and 16 in the EMR bootstrap scripts.
  5. The tpcds-kit should also be downloaded into XONAI_HOME. Its code is currently not used by our benchmark scripts but spark-sql-perf requires its presence.
  6. The underlying library for most scripts in this repo is spark-sql-perf which, just like the previous two kits, should be cloned under XONAI_HOME. It uses sbt as build manager and can therefore be built with the command sbt package

After completing the steps mentioned above, the TPC-H tables can be created with the following command:

python3 $XONAI_HOME/xonai-benchmarks/benchmark.py tpch gen -r s3a://mybucket/tpch1500 -s 1500

This invocation uses a scale factor of 1500 GB (-s 1500) and writes the table contents under the S3 location s3://mybucket/tpch1500/

Benchmark programs

The cloudbench module contains programs that can be used to execute TPC-H queries against a cluster. Their logic is based on the benchmark code from this AWS repo which was adopted for TPC-H. RunMainTPC.scala executes the queries and writes the configuration, query plans, and various benchmarking times to an intermediate output file. SummarizeResults.scala can be used locally to create a summary (min/median/max) of the query runtimes from the intermediate file. RunTPC.scala includes both steps in a single program.

To build the cloudbench module, the Databricks SQL perf library needs to be compiled first with the command sbt +package. The resulting JAR file should then be placed into a cloudbench/libs folder. The cloudbench submodule can now be compiled via sbt assembly and the resulting JAR file (xonai-benchmarks/cloudbench/target/scala-2.12/cloudbench-assembly-1.0.jar) can be used for local or cloud benchmarks:

Local Execution

The following command executes all TPC-H queries in local mode:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class com.xonai.RunMainTPC \
--master local[4] \
--conf spark.driver.memory=4g \
path/to/cloudbench-assembly-1.0.jar \
s3a://my_bucket/tpch10 s3a://my_bucket/bench_results /home/hadoop/bench/tpch-dbgen 10 3

The RunTPC programs expect five arguments which are specified on the last line of the sample command above:

  • A base path to a TPC-H dataset (s3://my_bucket/tpch10)
  • An output path (s3://my_bucket/bench_results)
  • The local path under which the tpch-kit was installed, this was specified in the installation step 4 above
  • The scale factor of the input table (10 GB, not too important for executions)
  • The total number of iterations (3)

Cluster Executions

The scripts folder contains a number of bootstrapping scripts for executing the TPC-H benchmarks against a cluster:

EMR on EC2

For benchmarking an EMR runtime, the bootstrap_emr.sh script should be added to the bootstrapping actions of a cluster. It will install the TPC-H kit and spark-sql-perf library on the master node. In addition, a few adjustments should be made to /usr/lib/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf: The value for spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled and spark.shuffle.service.enabled should be changed to false and the following properties should be appended to the end of the file:

spark.network.timeout 2000s
spark.executor.heartbeatInterval 300s
spark.sql.broadcastTimeout 3000s
spark.sql.adaptive.enabled true
spark.sql.adaptive.localShuffleReader.enabled true
spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.enabled true
spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.enabled true

Alternatively, the properties can also be supplied as command line arguments via --conf.

Similar to the local execution mode described above, TPC-H queries can now be executed against the EMR cluster with a command like

spark-submit \
--class com.xonai.RunMainTPC \
s3://location/to/cloudbench-assembly-1.0.jar \
s3://location/to/tpch_dataset/ s3://output/location /home/hadoop/bench/tpch-dbgen 3000 1

Open source Spark on EMR can be enabled with the help of the bootstrap_oss.sh script. After the cluster is initialized, all configuration files from /usr/lib/spark/conf/ on the master node should be copied to /home/hadoop/spark-3.1.2-bin-without-hadoop/conf/, it is likely not possible to perform this step as part of the bootstrapping process. The same modifications to spark-defaults.conf that were described in the previous section should be made. Finally, the line export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath) should be added to spark-env.sh and the entry for SPARK_HOME should be changed to export SPARK_HOME=/home/hadoop/spark-3.1.2-bin-without-hadoop

The open source runtime can now be benchmarked with a command similar to

/home/hadoop/spark-3.1.2-bin-without-hadoop/bin/spark-submit \
--class com.xonai.RunMainTPC \
s3://location/to/cloudbench-assembly-1.0.jar \
s3://location/to/tpch_dataset/ s3://output/location /home/hadoop/bench/tpch-dbgen 3000 1

Standalone Mode on EC2

Before Spark became part of the EMR release, applications could be run via standalone mode against an EC2 cluster. This deployment option becomes less complicated when a dedicated Amazon Machine Image is created first. All system and runtime dependencies like Java should be installed on this image, the benchmark projects and Spark itself can be baked into the image by executing the steps from the bootstrap script. In addition, a spark-defaults.conf with the same contents as above should be created.

An EC2 cluster consisting of one Master node and one or more Worker nodes that all utilize the new AMI can now be spawned. The master and worker daemons can be started by executing our helper script locally. The script uses tags of running EC2 instances for the identification of the cluster roles: An instance tagged with the key-value pair Purpose: Master will be identified as Master node, any running instance with Purpose: Worker will become a Worker. Several gaps in the script need to be filled, these were marked with a # ToDo

After the Spark Workers have successfully registered, the master URL should be noted as it is needed for the spark-submit command. This can be accomplished by visiting the Master UI which typically runs on port 8080, the following command will make this UI available in the local browser via port-forwarding:

ssh -i .aws/YYY.pem -N -L 8080:localhost:8080 ec2-user@...

The master address (spark://ip-....ec2.internal:7077) should be present in the top left corner. A distributed application can now be launched from the Master machine with a command similar to:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class com.xonai.RunMainTPC \
--master spark://ip-....ec2.internal:7077 \
--deploy-mode client \
s3a://xonai/bootstrapping/cloudbench-assembly-1.0.jar \
s3a://location/to/tpch_dataset/ s3a://output/location /home/ec2-user/bench/tpch-dbgen 1000 1

TPC-DS benchmarks

Coming soon