
Linux kernel driver for samsung backlight control

Primary LanguageC

## Welcome to the samsung-backlight wiki!

samsung-backlight is a fork of samsung-backlight linux kernel driver. It add backlight support for some of samsung laptops.

## Samsung laptop models

Currently supported:

* N130
* NC10
* NP-Q45
* R410 plus
* R468/R418
* X320/X420/X520
* X360
* R518
* R510/P510
* NF110/NF210/NF310
* N220
* N230
* N350
* R470/R420
* R528/R728

Not tested:

* R518
* R510/P510

Have a similar problem, but need more information to add it (if you are owner of these laptops, please add an issue):

* X418
* Q1

## Installation

git clone git://github.com/xonatius/samsung-backlight.git
cd samsung-backlight
sudo make install

On some os you need to add samsung_backlight module to modules list. (f.e /etc/modules) After reboot it should work.
Often you need to add acpi_backlight=vendor to the kernel boot options, to makes your system work with backlight. (F.E. In ubuntu you had to edit /etc/default/grub and add the acpi_backlight=vendor to the end of GRUB_CMD_LINUX_DEFAULT line and then run update-grub)

## Other samsung laptop models

If you've got samsung laptop with intel graphics card and it hasn't supported backlight control, you could create an issue with "lspci -nn" and "dmidecode -s system-product-name
" information.

## Thanks

* Thanks nikobockerman for the information and patch for NF110/NF210/NF310 laptops.
* Thanks Alberto Mardegan for R410 laptops patch and solution for acpi_backlight problem.