
📦 XPress - WordPress module for XCL Web Application Platform

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License GPL License GPL

///// — Xpress : multiple WordPress blogs

This repository is currently only used for issue tracking for

  • Xpress

  • XCpress

    NOTE : Stale branch version = 5.7.5
    Wordpress later versions have a Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of ‘256’ reached
    and users on shared hosting cannot change the setting xdebug.max_nesting_level to a higher value to fix it.
    Disable XDebug or find how to get out of the loop then.

Description XCL installation and management of multiple WordPress blogs.
Render Engine Smarty v2 and XCube Layout
Version 5.7.5
Author Toemon
Author Update by Nuno Luciano (aka Gigamaster) XCL PHP7
Copyright 2005-2022 Authors
License GPL
💻 The Minimum Requirements
      Apache, Nginx, etc. PHP 7.2.x
      MySQL 5.6, MariaDB  InnoDB utf8 / utf8mb4
      XCL version 2.3.+


Xpress Integration Kit is a module to run and manage multiple WordPress blogs.
Sync users, groups and roles, customize blocks, smarty tags, wrap WordPress
into XCL default theme.


XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.2 or later XCL 2.3.x

Main Features

  • Create WordPress blogs
  • Sync User groups and roles
  • Member rank (guest/associate/regular/staff/owner)
  • Member management by group staffs
  • Permission policy management by group owner
  • Add group image (requires LEImg module)

/////////////////////// — Usage

XCL installer wizard (GUI).

/////////////////////// — Settings

  • Module Setttings
  • Blocks
  • Theme
  • Templates

/////////////////////// — License

License GPL

Update History

0.21.1 (2021.03.15) gigamaster

  • Add XCLayout Helper
  • Fix Xpress default theme
  • Fix deprecated functions
  • Fix Notice and Warning
  • SQL varchar from 255 to 191
  • Fix Cube XCL